Obinna Anya
Cited by
Cited by
rSLA: Monitoring SLAs in dynamic service environments
H Ludwig, K Stamou, M Mohamed, N Mandagere, B Langston, G Alatorre, ...
Service-Oriented Computing: 13th International Conference, ICSOC 2015, Goa …, 2015
Understanding clinical work practices for cross-boundary decision support in e-health
H Tawfik, O Anya, AK Nagar
IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 16 (4), 530-541, 2012
Context-aware knowledge modelling for decision support in e-health
O Anya, H Tawfik, S Amin, A Nagar, K Shaalan
The 2010 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1-7, 2010
rsla: A service level agreement language for cloud services
S Tata, M Mohamed, T Sakairi, N Mandagere, O Anya, H Ludwig
2016 IEEE 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD), 415-422, 2016
Evaluating practice-centered awareness in cross-boundary telehealth decision support systems
H Tawfik, O Anya
Telematics and Informatics 32 (3), 486-503, 2015
Designing for practice-based context-awareness in ubiquitous e-health environments
O Anya, H Tawfik
Computers & Electrical Engineering 61, 312-326, 2017
The rSLA framework: Monitoring and enforcement of service level agreements for cloud services
M Mohamed, O Anya, T Sakairi, S Tata, NP Mandagere, H Ludwig
2016 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (SCC), 625-632, 2016
A perfect storm? Reimagining work in the era of the end of the job
M Cefkin, O Anya, R Moore
Ethnographic Praxis in Industry Conference Proceedings 2014 (1), 3-19, 2014
Understanding the practice of discovery in enterprise big data science: An agent-based approach
O Anya, B Moore, C Kieliszewski, P Maglio, L Anderson
Procedia Manufacturing 3, 882-889, 2015
Context-aware decision support in knowledge-intensive collaborative e-Work
O Anya, H Tawfik, A Nagar, S Amin
Procedia Computer Science 1 (1), 2281-2290, 2010
Leveraging big data analytics for personalized elderly care: opportunities and challenges
O Anya, H Tawfik
Applied Computing in Medicine and Health, 99-124, 2016
Back to the future of organizational work: crowdsourcing and digital work marketplaces
M Cefkin, O Anya, S Dill, R Moore, S Stucky, O Omokaro
Proceedings of the companion publication of the 17th ACM conference on …, 2014
A conceptual design of an adaptive and collaborative e-work environment
O Anya, H Tawfik, A Nagar
First Asia International Conference on Modelling & Simulation (AMS'07), 148-154, 2007
Cognitive role-based policy assignment and user interface modification for mobile electronic devices
R Arar, OB Anya, S Lee
US Patent App. 16/022,490, 2020
Bridge the gap! What can work design in crowdwork learn from work design theories?
O Anya
Proceedings of the 18th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative …, 2015
The IBM Research Accelerated Discovery Lab
MTS L. Haas, M. Cefkin, C. Kieliszewski, W. Plouffe, M. Roth, E. Kandogan, P ...
SIGMOD Record 43 (2), 41-48, 2014
Applications of Big Data Analytics
MM Alani, Alani, Wheeler
Springer, 2018
rSLA: an approach for managing service level agreements in cloud environments
M Mohamed, O Anya, S Tata, N Mandagere, N Baracaldo, H Ludwig
International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems 26 (02), 1742003, 2017
Cognitive quality of service monitoring
OB Anya, HH Ludwig, NS Mandagere, M Mohamed, M Qiao, RR Routray, ...
US Patent 11,057,284, 2021
Migrating enterprise workflows for processing on a crowdsourcing platform
OB Anya, RJ Moore, HRM Nezhad
US Patent App. 15/071,098, 2017
The system can't perform the operation now. Try again later.
Articles 1–20