Prabhat Kumar
Prabhat Kumar
Professor, Computer Science and Engineering Department, National Institute of Technology Patna
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Cited by
A Survey on Successors of LEACH Protocol
SK Singh, P Kumar, JP Singh
IEEE Access 5, 4298-4328, 2017
Crop Selection Method to maximize crop yield rate using machine learning technique
R Kumar, MP Singh, P Kumar, JP Singh
2015 international conference on smart technologies and management for …, 2015
Impact of internet of things (IoT) in disaster management: a task-technology fit perspective
A Sinha, P Kumar, NP Rana, R Islam, YK Dwivedi
Annals of Operations Research 283 (1-2), 759-794, 2019
Defensive modeling of fake news through online social networks
G Shrivastava, P Kumar, RP Ojha, PK Srivastava, S Mohan, G Srivastava
IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems 7 (5), 1159-1167, 2020
Architecting user-centric internet of things for smart agriculture
A Sinha, G Shrivastava, P Kumar
Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems 23, 88-102, 2019
Performance evaluation of classification methods with PCA and PSO for diabetes
DK Choubey, P Kumar, S Tripathi, S Kumar
Network Modeling Analysis in Health Informatics and Bioinformatics 9 (1), 1-30, 2020
A review of routing protocols in wireless sensor network
P Kumar, MP Singh, US Triar
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) 1 (4), 1-14, 2012
RNN based online handwritten word recognition in Devanagari and Bengali scripts using horizontal zoning
R Ghosh, C Vamshi, P Kumar
Pattern Recognition 92, 203-218, 2019
An extensive evaluation of search-based software testing: a review
M Khari, P Kumar
Soft Computing 23 (6), 1933-1946, 2019
A comprehensive survey on trajectory schemes for data collection using mobile elements in WSNs
SK Singh, P Kumar
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 11 (1), 291-312, 2020
Optimized test suites for automated testing using different optimization techniques
M Khari, P Kumar, D Burgos, RG Crespo
Soft Computing 22 (24), 8341-8352, 2018
A comprehensive study on multifactor authentication schemes
K Abhishek, S Roshan, P Kumar, R Ranjan
Advances in Computing and Information Technology: Proceedings of the Second …, 2013
An Energy Efficient Protocol to Mitigate Hot Spot Problem Using Unequal Clustering in WSN
SK Singh, P Kumar, JP Singh
Wireless Personal Communications, 1-29, 2018
Localization in three-dimensional wireless sensor networks: a survey
J Kumari, P Kumar, SK Singh
The Journal of Supercomputing 75 (8), 5040-5083, 2019
Handbook of Research on Network Forensics and Analysis Techniques
G Shrivastava, P Kumar, BB Gupta, S Bala, N Dey
IGI Global, 2018
Spam review detection using ensemble machine learning
S Mani, S Kumari, A Jain, P Kumar
International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern …, 2018
Source location privacy using fake source and phantom routing (FSAPR) technique in wireless sensor networks
PK Roy, JP Singh, P Kumar, MP Singh
Procedia Computer Science 57, 936-941, 2015
A Survey on Lightweight Block Ciphers
PK Kushwaha, MP Singh, P Kumar
International Journal of Computer Applications 96 (17), 1-7, 2014
Source location privacy using multiple-phantom nodes in WSN
P Kumar, JP Singh, P Vishnoi, MP Singh
TENCON 2015-2015 IEEE Region 10 Conference, 1-6, 2015
An efficient forward error correction scheme for wireless sensor network
MP Singh, P Kumar
Procedia Technology 4, 737-742, 2012
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Articles 1–20