Neda Eskandari
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Cited by
Extended habituating model predictive control of propofol and remifentanil anesthesia
N Eskandari, K van Heusden, GA Dumont
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 55, 101656, 2020
An observer/predictor-based model of the user for attaining situation awareness
N Eskandari, GA Dumont, ZJ Wang
IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems 46 (2), 279-290, 2015
Computing observable and predictable subspaces to evaluate user-interfaces of LTI systems under shared control
N Eskandari, MMK Oishi
2011 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 2803-2808, 2011
On the existence and design of functional observers for lti systems, with application to user modeling
N Eskandari, ZJ Wang, GA Dumont
Asian Journal of Control 18 (1), 192-205, 2016
Delay‐incorporating observability and predictability analysis of safety‐critical continuous‐time systems
N Eskandari, GA Dumont, ZJ Wang
IET Control Theory & Applications 9 (11), 1692-1699, 2015
Observability of user-interfaces for hybrid LTI systems under collaborative control: Application to aircraft flight management systems
TM Hammond, N Eskandari, MMK Oishi
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 13 (1), 78-84, 2015
Observability analysis of continuous‐time LTI systems with limited derivative data
N Eskandari, MMK Oishi, ZJ Wang
Asian Journal of Control 16 (2), 623-627, 2014
Modeling the user as an observer to determine display information requirements
N Eskandari, ZJ Wang, G Dumont
2013 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 267-272, 2013
A delayed functional observer/predictor with bounded-error for depth of hypnosis monitoring
N Eskandari, ZJ Wang, GA Dumont
Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing 31, 1043-1052, 2017
Observability based techniques to analyze and design user-interfaces: situation-awareness and displayed information
N Eskandari Naddaf
University of British Columbia, 2015
Framework for User–Guided Search and Adaptive Target Tracking via Cooperative UAVs
R Cortez, D Tolić, I Palunko, N Eskandari, M Oishi, R Fierro, J Wood
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Articles 1–11