James Brinkley
James Brinkley
Emeritus Professor, University of Washington
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Clinical terminology: why is it so hard?
AL Rector
Methods of information in medicine 38 (04/05), 239-252, 1999
Analysis of naming errors during cortical stimulation mapping: implications for models of language representation
DP Corina, BC Loudermilk, L Detwiler, RF Martin, JF Brinkley, G Ojemann
Brain and language 115 (2), 101-112, 2010
Motivation and organizational principles for anatomical knowledge representation: the digital anatomist symbolic knowledge base
C Rosse, JL Mejino, BR Modayur, R Jakobovits, KP Hinshaw, JF Brinkley
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 5 (1), 17-40, 1998
Issues in biomedical research data management and analysis: needs and barriers
NR Anderson, ES Lee, JS Brockenbrough, ME Minie, S Fuller, J Brinkley, ...
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 14 (4), 478-488, 2007
Dissociation of action and object naming: evidence from cortical stimulation mapping
DP Corina, EK Gibson, R Martin, A Poliakov, J Brinkley, GA Ojemann
Human Brain Mapping 24 (1), 1-10, 2005
Functional roles of Broca's area and SMG: evidence from cortical stimulation mapping in a deaf signer
DP Corina, SL McBurney, C Dodrill, K Hinshaw, J Brinkley, G Ojemann
Neuroimage 10 (5), 570-581, 1999
The digital anatomist foundational model: principles for defining and structuring its concept domain.
C Rosse, LG Shapiro, JF Brinkley
Proceedings of the AMIA Symposium, 820, 1998
FMA-RadLex: An application ontology of radiological anatomy derived from the foundational model of anatomy reference ontology
JLV Mejino Jr, DL Rubin, JF Brinkley
AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings 2008, 465, 2008
Towards effective and rewarding data sharing
D Gardner, AW Toga, GA Ascoli, JT Beatty, JF Brinkley, AM Dale, PT Fox, ...
Neuroinformatics 3 (1), 289-295, 2003
Medical informatics: searching for underlying components
MA Musen
Methods of information in medicine 41 (01), 12-19, 2002
A partnership approach for electronic data capture in small-scale clinical trials
JD Franklin, A Guidry, JF Brinkley
Journal of biomedical informatics 44, S103-S108, 2011
PROTEAN: Deriving protein structure from constraints.
B Hayes-Roth, BG Buchanan, O Lichtarge, M Hewett, RB Altman, ...
American Association for Artificial Intelligence, 1986
The FaceBase Consortium: a comprehensive program to facilitate craniofacial research
H Hochheiser, BJ Aronow, K Artinger, TH Beaty, JF Brinkley, Y Chai, ...
Developmental biology 355 (2), 175-182, 2011
The micro-macro spectrum of medical informatics challenges: from molecular medicine to transforming health care in a globalizing society
CA Kulikowski
Methods of information in medicine 41 (01), 20-24, 2002
The FaceBase Consortium: a comprehensive resource for craniofacial researchers
JF Brinkley, S Fisher, MP Harris, G Holmes, JE Hooper, E Wang Jabs, ...
Development 143 (14), 2677-2688, 2016
Distributed xquery
C Re, JF Brinkley, KP Hinshaw, D Suciu
The Digital Anatomist information system and its use in the generation and delivery of Web-based anatomy atlases
JF Brinkley, SW Bradley, JW Sundsten, C Rosse
Computers and Biomedical Research 30 (6), 472-503, 1997
Knowledge-driven ultrasonic three-dimensional organ modeling
JF Brinkley
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence, 431-441, 1985
Ultrasonic three-dimensional imaging and volume from a series of arbitrary sector scans
JF Brinkley, WE Moritz, DW Baker
Ultrasound in medicine & biology 4 (4), 317-321, 1978
In Vitro Evaluation of an Ultrasonic Three-Dimensional Imaging and Volume System
JF Brinkley, SK Muramatsu, WD McCallum, RL Popp
Ultrasonic Imaging 4 (2), 126-139, 1982
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Articles 1–20