Kai Chi Yam
Kai Chi Yam
Professor of Management, National University of Singapore
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Shared leadership: A state‐of‐the‐art review and future research agenda
J Zhu, Z Liao, KC Yam, RE Johnson
Journal of Organizational Behavior 39 (7), 834-852, 2018
From good soldiers to psychologically entitled: Examining when and why citizenship behavior leads to deviance
KC Yam, AC Klotz, W He, SJ Reynolds
Academy of Management Journal 60 (1), 373-396, 2017
Moralized leadership: The construction and consequences of ethical leader perceptions
R Fehr, KC Yam, C Dang
Academy of management review 40 (2), 182-209, 2015
Employee perceptions of corporate social responsibility: Effects on pride, embeddedness, and turnover
TWH Ng, KC Yam, H Aguinis
Personnel Psychology 72 (1), 107-137, 2019
The mixed blessing of leader sense of humor: Examining costs and benefits
KC Yam, MS Christian, W Wei, Z Liao, J Nai
Academy of Management Journal 61 (1), 348-369, 2018
Leader humility and team performance: Exploring the mediating mechanisms of team PsyCap and task allocation effectiveness
A Rego, B Owens, KC Yam, D Bluhm, MP Cunha, A Silard, L Gonçalves, ...
Journal of management 45 (3), 1009-1033, 2019
Out of control: A self-control perspective on the link between surface acting and abusive supervision.
KC Yam, R Fehr, FT Keng-Highberger, AC Klotz, SJ Reynolds
Journal of Applied Psychology 101 (2), 292, 2016
Workplace status: The development and validation of a scale.
E Djurdjevic, AC Stoverink, AC Klotz, J Koopman, SP da Motta Veiga, ...
Journal of Applied Psychology 102 (7), 1124, 2017
The double-edged sword of leader humility: Investigating when and why leader humility promotes versus inhibits subordinate deviance.
X Qin, C Chen, KC Yam, M Huang, D Ju
Journal of applied psychology 105 (7), 693, 2020
Crowdsourcing hypothesis tests: Making transparent how design choices shape research results.
JF Landy, ML Jia, IL Ding, D Viganola, W Tierney, A Dreber, ...
Psychological bulletin 146 (5), 451, 2020
Robots at work: People prefer—and forgive—service robots with perceived feelings.
KC Yam, YE Bigman, PM Tang, R Ilies, D De Cremer, H Soh, K Gray
Journal of Applied Psychology, 2021
The role of moral decoupling in the causes and consequences of unethical pro-organizational behavior
R Fehr, D Welsh, KC Yam, M Baer, W Wei, M Vaulont
Organizational behavior and human decision processes 153, 27-40, 2019
Cleansing my abuse: A reparative response model of perpetrating abusive supervisor behavior.
Z Liao, KC Yam, RE Johnson, W Liu, Z Song
Journal of Applied Psychology 103 (9), 1039, 2018
Ego depletion and its paradoxical effects on ethical decision making
KC Yam, XP Chen, SJ Reynolds
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 124 (2), 204-214, 2014
Feeling proud but guilty? Unpacking the paradoxical nature of unethical pro-organizational behavior
PM Tang, KC Yam, J Koopman
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 160, 68-86, 2020
Interactional justice, leader–member exchange, and employee performance: Examining the moderating role of justice differentiation
W He, R Fehr, KC Yam, LR Long, P Hao
Journal of Organizational Behavior 38 (4), 537-557, 2017
Self-control at work
H Lian, KC Yam, DL Ferris, D Brown
Academy of Management Annals 11 (2), 703-732, 2017
The impact of leader moral humility on follower moral self-efficacy and behavior.
BP Owens, KC Yam, JS Bednar, J Mao, DW Hart
Journal of Applied Psychology 104 (1), 146, 2019
When and why empowering leadership increases followers’ taking charge: A multilevel examination in China
SL Li, W He, KC Yam, LR Long
Asia Pacific Journal of Management 32, 645-670, 2015
Good actors but bad apples: Deviant consequences of daily impression management at work.
AC Klotz, W He, KC Yam, MC Bolino, W Wei, L Houston III
Journal of Applied Psychology 103 (10), 1145, 2018
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Articles 1–20