Tina Comes
Cited by
Cited by
A critical review on supply chain risk–Definition, measure and modeling
I Heckmann, T Comes, S Nickel
Omega 52, 119-132, 2015
Decision maps: A framework for multi-criteria decision support under severe uncertainty
T Comes, M Hiete, N Wijngaards, F Schultmann
Decision Support Systems 52 (1), 108-118, 2011
Measuring disaster resilience: The impact of hurricane sandy on critical infrastructure systems.
T Comes, BA Van de Walle
ISCRAM 11 (May), 195-204, 2014
World risk report 2016
M Garschagen, M Hagenlocher, M Comes, M Dubbert, R Sabelfeld, ...
Bündnis Entwicklung Hilft and UNU-EHS, 2016
Investigation of superstorm Sandy 2012 in a multi-disciplinary approach
M Kunz, B Mühr, T Kunz-Plapp, JE Daniell, B Khazai, F Wenzel, ...
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 13 (10), 2579-2598, 2013
Machine learning for spatial analyses in urban areas: a scoping review
Y Casali, NY Aydin, T Comes
Sustainable cities and society 85, 104050, 2022
Cold chains, interrupted: The use of technology and information for decisions that keep humanitarian vaccines cool
T Comes, K Bergtora Sandvik, B Van de Walle
Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management 8 (1), 49-69, 2018
Hurricane Harvey Report: A fact-finding effort in the direct aftermath of Hurricane Harvey in the Greater Houston Region
T Sebastian, K Lendering, B Kothuis, N Brand, B Jonkman, P van Gelder, ...
Delft University Publishers, 2017
Improving situation awareness in crisis response teams: An experimental analysis of enriched information and centralized coordination
B Van de Walle, B Brugghemans, T Comes
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 95, 66-79, 2016
Measuring social resilience: Trade-offs, challenges and opportunities for indicator models in transforming societies
S Copeland, T Comes, S Bach, M Nagenborg, Y Schulte, N Doorn
International journal of disaster risk reduction 51, 101799, 2020
Managing in-country transportation risks in humanitarian supply chains by logistics service providers: Insights from the 2015 Nepal earthquake
H Baharmand, T Comes, M Lauras
International journal of disaster risk reduction 24, 549-559, 2017
Adapting rail and road networks to weather extremes: case studies for southern Germany and Austria
C Doll, C Trinks, N Sedlacek, V Pelikan, T Comes, F Schultmann
Natural hazards 72, 63-85, 2014
The coordination‐information bubble in humanitarian response: theoretical foundations and empirical investigations
T Comes, B Van de Walle, L Van Wassenhove
Production and Operations Management 29 (11), 2484-2507, 2020
A multicriteria Master Planning DSS for a sustainable humanitarian supply chain
L Laguna-Salvadó, M Lauras, U Okongwu, T Comes
Annals of Operations Research 283, 1303-1343, 2019
Bi-objective multi-layer location–allocation model for the immediate aftermath of sudden-onset disasters
H Baharmand, T Comes, M Lauras
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 127, 86-110, 2019
Leveraging partnerships with logistics service providers in humanitarian supply chains by blockchain-based smart contracts
H Baharmand, T Comes
IFAC-PapersOnLine 52 (13), 12-17, 2019
Cognitive biases in humanitarian sensemaking and decision-making lessons from field research
T Comes
2016 IEEE International Multi-Disciplinary Conference on Cognitive Methods …, 2016
Trapezoidal fuzzy DEMATEL method to analyze and correct for relations between variables in a composite indicator for disaster resilience
M Hiete, M Merz, T Comes, F Schultmann
OR spectrum 34, 971-995, 2012
On the nature of information management in complex and natural disasters
B Van de Walle, T Comes
Procedia Engineering 107, 403-411, 2015
A composite indicator model to assess natural disaster risks in industry on a spatial level
M Merz, M Hiete, T Comes, F Schultmann
Journal of Risk Research 16 (9), 1077-1099, 2013
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Articles 1–20