Myriam Lamolle
Myriam Lamolle
Professor, LIASD, University Paris 8, IUT de Montreuil
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Cited by
First suggestions for an emotion annotation and representation language
M Schröder, H Pirker, M Lamolle
Proceedings of LREC 6, 88-92, 2006
A review of drought monitoring with big data: Issues, methods, challenges and research directions
H Balti, AB Abbes, N Mellouli, IR Farah, Y Sang, M Lamolle
Ecological Informatics 60, 101136, 2020
Data integration over NoSQL stores using access path based mappings
O Curé, R Hecht, C Le Duc, M Lamolle
International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications, 481-495, 2011
A comparison of big remote sensing data processing with Hadoop MapReduce and Spark
I Chebbi, W Boulila, N Mellouli, M Lamolle, IR Farah
2018 4th international conference on advanced technologies for signal and …, 2018
On the potential integration of an ontology-based data access approach in NoSQL stores
O Curé, F Kerdjoudj, D Faye, C Le Duc, M Lamolle
International Journal of Distributed Systems and Technologies (IJDST) 4 (3 …, 2013
On the predictive analysis of behavioral massive job data using embedded clustering and deep recurrent neural networks
S Benabderrahmane, N Mellouli, M Lamolle
Knowledge-Based Systems 151, 95-113, 2018
Levels of Representation in the Annotation of Emotion for the Specification of Expressivity in ECAs
JC Martin, S Abrilian, L Devillers, M Lamolle, M Mancini, C Pelachaud
International Workshop on Intelligent Virtual Agents, 405-417, 2005
Spin and parity of isomeric and ground states of the doubly-odd nucleus184Au
F Ibrahim, P Kilcher, B Roussiere, J Sauvage, J Genevey, A Gizon, ...
Zeitschrift für Physik A Hadrons and Nuclei 350, 9-10, 1994
Smart4job: A big data framework for intelligent job offers broadcasting using time series forecasting and semantic classification
S Benabderrahmane, N Mellouli, M Lamolle, P Paroubek
Big Data Research 7, 16-30, 2017
Ontology based data integration over document and column family oriented NOSQL
O Curé, M Lamolle, CL Duc
arXiv preprint arXiv:1307.2603, 2013
Representing emotions and related states in technological systems
M Schröder, H Pirker, M Lamolle, F Burkhardt, C Peter, E Zovato
Emotion-Oriented Systems: The Humaine Handbook, 369-387, 2011
Influences on embodied conversational agent's expressivity: Toward an individualization of the ecas
V Maya, M Lamolle, C Pelachaud
Artificial Intelligence and the Simulation of Behavior (AISB), 2004
What makes ontology reasoning so arduous? Unveiling the key ontological features
N Alaya, SB Yahia, M Lamolle
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining …, 2015
Big remote sensing image classification based on deep learning extraction features and distributed spark frameworks
I Chebbi, N Mellouli, IR Farah, M Lamolle
Big Data and Cognitive Computing 5 (2), 21, 2021
Big data based architecture for drought forecasting using LSTM, ARIMA, and Prophet: Case study of the Jiangsu Province, China
H Balti, AB Abbes, N Mellouli, Y Sang, IR Farah, M Lamolle, Y Zhu
2021 International Congress of Advanced Technology and Engineering (ICOTEN), 1-8, 2021
A Multimedia Ontology Driven Architecture framework (MODA) for networked multimedia systems
J Gómez-Montalvo, M Lamolle, E Exposito
2009 First International Conference on Networked Digital Technologies, 411-416, 2009
DRAOn: A Distributed Reasoner for Aligned Ontologies.
C Le Duc, M Lamolle, A Zimmermann, O Curé
ORE, 81-86, 2013
Multidimensional architecture using a massive and heterogeneous data: Application to drought monitoring
H Balti, AB Abbes, N Mellouli, IR Farah, Y Sang, M Lamolle
Future Generation Computer Systems 136, 1-14, 2022
Tableau-based revision for expressive description logics with individuals
T Dong, C Le Duc, M Lamolle
Journal of Web Semantics 45, 63-79, 2017
Managing master data with XML schema and UML
L Menet, M Lamolle, A Zerdazi
2008 International Workshop on Advanced Information Systems for Enterprises …, 2008
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Articles 1–20