Chunxiang Zhu
Chunxiang Zhu
Dept of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore
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Polymer electronic memories: Materials, devices and mechanisms
QD Ling, DJ Liaw, C Zhu, DSH Chan, ET Kang, KG Neoh
Progress in polymer science 33 (10), 917-978, 2008
A novel ultrathin elevated channel low-temperature poly-Si TFT
S Zhang, C Zhu, JKO Sin, PKT Mok
IEEE Electron Device Letters 20 (11), 569-571, 1999
N-type Schottky barrier source/drain MOSFET using ytterbium silicide
S Zhu, J Chen, MF Li, SJ Lee, J Singh, CX Zhu, A Du, CH Tung, A Chin, ...
IEEE Electron Device Letters 25 (8), 565-567, 2004
Conjugated‐polymer‐functionalized graphene oxide: synthesis and nonvolatile rewritable memory effect
XD Zhuang, Y Chen, G Liu, PP Li, CX Zhu, ET Kang, KG Noeh, B Zhang, ...
Advanced Materials 22 (15), 1731-1735, 2010
A simple and efficient solar cell parameter extraction method from a single current-voltage curve
C Zhang, J Zhang, Y Hao, Z Lin, C Zhu
Journal of applied physics 110 (6), 2011
Synthesis and dynamic random access memory behavior of a functional polyimide
QD Ling, FC Chang, Y Song, CX Zhu, DJ Liaw, DSH Chan, ET Kang, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 128 (27), 8732-8733, 2006
Non-volatile polymer memory device based on a novel copolymer of N-vinylcarbazole and Eu-complexed vinylbenzoate
Q Ling, Y Song, SJ Ding, C Zhu, DSH Chan, DL Kwong, ET Kang, ...
Polymer memories: Bistable electrical switching and device performance
QD Ling, DJ Liaw, EYH Teo, C Zhu, DSH Chan, ET Kang, KG Neoh
Polymer 48 (18), 5182-5201, 2007
Artificial synapses based on multiterminal memtransistors for neuromorphic application
L Wang, W Liao, SL Wong, ZG Yu, S Li, YF Lim, X Feng, WC Tan, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 29 (25), 1901106, 2019
A dynamic random access memory based on a conjugated copolymer containing electron‐donor and‐acceptor moieties
QD Ling, Y Song, SL Lim, EYH Teo, YP Tan, C Zhu, DSH Chan, ...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 45 (18), 2947-2951, 2006
Waveguide-integrated black phosphorus photodetector for mid-infrared applications
L Huang, B Dong, X Guo, Y Chang, N Chen, X Huang, W Liao, C Zhu, ...
ACS nano 13 (1), 913-921, 2018
Nonvolatile Polymer Memory Device Based on Bistable Electrical Switching in a Thin Film of Poly(N-vinylcarbazole) with Covalently Bonded C60
QD Ling, SL Lim, Y Song, CX Zhu, DSH Chan, ET Kang, KG Neoh
Langmuir 23 (1), 312-319, 2007
Electrical Conductance Tuning and Bistable Switching in Poly(N-vinylcarbazole)−Carbon Nanotube Composite Films
G Liu, QD Ling, EYH Teo, CX Zhu, DSH Chan, KG Neoh, ET Kang
ACS nano 3 (7), 1929-1937, 2009
A high performance MIM capacitor using HfO2 dielectrics
H Hu, C Zhu, YF Lu, MF Li, BJ Cho, WK Choi
IEEE Electron Device Letters 23 (9), 514-516, 2002
Effect of surface anneal on the physical and electrical properties of films on Ge substrate
N Wu, Q Zhang, C Zhu, CC Yeo, SJ Whang, DSH Chan, MF Li, BJ Cho, ...
Applied physics letters 84 (19), 3741-3743, 2004
A high-density MIM capacitor (13 fF/μm2) using ALD HfO2 dielectrics
X Yu, C Zhu, H Hu, A Chin, MF Li, BJ Cho, DL Kwong, PD Foo, MB Yu
IEEE Electron Device Letters 24 (2), 63-65, 2003
Zero-bias mid-infrared graphene photodetectors with bulk photoresponse and calibration-free polarization detection
J Wei, Y Li, L Wang, W Liao, B Dong, C Xu, C Zhu, KW Ang, CW Qiu, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 6404, 2020
Alternative surface passivation on germanium for metal-oxide-semiconductor applications with high-k gate dielectric
N Wu, Q Zhang, C Zhu, DSH Chan, MF Li, N Balasubramanian, A Chin, ...
Applied Physics Letters 85 (18), 4127-4129, 2004
A TaN-HfO/sub 2/-Ge pMOSFET with NovelSiH/sub 4/surface passivation
N Wu, Q Zhang, C Zhu, DSH Chan, A Du, N Balasubramanian, MF Li, ...
IEEE electron device letters 25 (9), 631-633, 2004
Development of Inverted Organic Solar Cells with TiO2 Interface Layer by Using Low-Temperature Atomic Layer Deposition
Z Lin, C Jiang, C Zhu, J Zhang
ACS applied materials & interfaces 5 (3), 713-718, 2013
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Articles 1–20