Dr. Martin Aleksandrov
Dr. Martin Aleksandrov
Postdoc in AI, University Greifswald
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Online fair division: Analysing a food bank problem
M Aleksandrov, H Aziz, S Gaspers, T Walsh
arXiv preprint arXiv:1502.07571, 2015
Online fair division: A survey
M Aleksandrov, T Walsh
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 34 (09), 13557 …, 2020
Pure Nash Equilibria in Online Fair Division.
M Aleksandrov, T Walsh
IJCAI, 42-48, 2017
Group envy freeness and group pareto efficiency in fair division with indivisible items
M Aleksandrov, T Walsh
KI 2018: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 41st German Conference on AI …, 2018
Two algorithms for additive and fair division of mixed manna
M Aleksandrov, T Walsh
German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (Künstliche Intelligenz), 3-17, 2020
Greedy algorithms for fair division of mixed manna
M Aleksandrov, T Walsh
arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.11005, 2019
Strategy-proofness, envy-freeness and pareto efficiency in online fair division with additive utilities
M Aleksandrov, T Walsh
PRICAI 2019: Trends in Artificial Intelligence: 16th Pacific Rim …, 2019
Expected outcomes and manipulations in online fair division
M Aleksandrov, T Walsh
KI 2017: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 40th Annual German Conference …, 2017
Most competitive mechanisms in online fair division
M Aleksandrov, T Walsh
KI 2017: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 40th Annual German Conference …, 2017
Fair division minimizing inequality
M Aleksandrov, C Ge, T Walsh
Progress in Artificial Intelligence: 19th EPIA Conference on Artificial …, 2019
Heuristics and policies for online pickup and delivery problems
MD Aleksandrov, P Barahona, P Kilby, T Walsh
Workshops at the Twenty-Seventh AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2013
Fleet fairness and fleet efficiency in capacitated pickup and delivery problems
MD Aleksandrov
2021 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), 1156-1161, 2021
Monotone and online fair division
M Aleksandrov, T Walsh
KI 2019: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 42nd German Conference on AI …, 2019
Minimal-envy conference paper assignment: formulation and a fast iterative algorithm
M Tan, Z Dai, Y Ren, T Walsh, M Aleksandrov
2021 5th Asian Conference on Artificial Intelligence Technology (ACAIT), 667-674, 2021
Jealousy-freeness and other common properties in fair division of mixed manna
M Aleksandrov
arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.11469, 2020
Almost envy freeness and welfare efficiency in fair division with goods or bads
M Aleksandrov
arXiv preprint arXiv:1808.00422, 2018
Empirical analysis of a Food Bank problem
M Aleksandrov, S Gaspers, T Walsh
2nd EXPLORE Workshop, AAMAS, 2015
NgramQuery-Smart Information Extraction from Google N-gram using External Resources.
M Aleksandrov, C Strapparava
LREC, 563-568, 2012
Minimising fleet times in multi-depot pickup and dropoff problems
MD Aleksandrov
Progress in Artificial Intelligence: 20th EPIA Conference on Artificial …, 2021
Dynamic fleet management and household feedback for garbage collection
MD Aleksandrov
Proceedings of the 2022 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society, 36-45, 2022
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Articles 1–20