Rajagopalan Badrinarayanan
Rajagopalan Badrinarayanan
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Cited by
A comprehensive equivalent circuit model of all-vanadium redox flow battery for power system analysis
Y Zhang, J Zhao, P Wang, M Skyllas-Kazacos, B Xiong, ...
Journal of Power Sources 290, 14-24, 2015
Extended dynamic model for ion diffusion in all-vanadium redox flow battery including the effects of temperature and bulk electrolyte transfer
R Badrinarayanan, J Zhao, KJ Tseng, M Skyllas-Kazacos
Journal of Power Sources 270, 576-586, 2014
Modelling and control of vanadium redox flow battery for profile based charging applications
R Badrinarayanan, KJ Tseng, BH Soong, Z Wei
Energy 141, 1479-1488, 2017
Performance Analysis of Machine-Learning Approaches for Modeling the Charging/Discharging Profiles of Stationary Battery Systems with Non-Uniform Cell Aging
N Kandasamy, R Badrinarayanan, VRK Kanamarlapudi, KJ Tseng, ...
Batteries 3 (2), 18, 2017
Temperature dependence of capacity decay due to ion diffusion in vanadium redox flow battery
R Badrinarayanan, J Zhao, S Narayanan, KJ Tseng
2014 IEEE PES General Meeting| Conference & Exposition, 1-5, 2014
Partial-Load Analysis of a Temperature-Controlled Solid-Oxide Fuel Cell–Gas Turbine (SOFC–GT) Hybrid Power Plant
Y Zhang, J Zhao, P Wang, B Xiong, L Xian, R Badrinarayanan
Energy Technology 4 (4), 2015
Investigation of capacity decay due to ion diffusion in Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries
R Badrinarayanan, J Zhao
Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC), 2013 IEEE PES Asia-Pacific …, 2013
Performance study of a vanadium redox flow battery (VRB) for use in green data centers
R Badrinarayanan, Z Yu, KJ Tseng
2015 IEEE International Telecommunications Energy Conference (INTELEC), 1-5, 2015
Ferrofluid actuated thermal overload relay
B Rajagopalan, M Hayagrivan, M Praveenkumar
Smart Grid Renew Energy 3 (01), 62-66, 2012
Magnetorheological Fluid Based Kinetic Energy Recovery System
B Rajagopalan, V Gopal
SAE Technical Paper, 2011
Investigation of operational characteristics of vanadium redox flow batteries
R Badrinarayanan
A Comparative Study on the Effects of Power Supply Patterns in Microgrids for DC Powered Electrical Appliances
S Narayanan, R Badrinarayanan, L Zhen
Advanced Materials Research 986, 167-171, 2014
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