Chun-I Wu
Chun-I Wu
National Taiwan Ocean University
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High-performance bulk thermoelectrics with all-scale hierarchical architectures
K Biswas, J He, ID Blum, CI Wu, TP Hogan, DN Seidman, VP Dravid, ...
Nature 489 (7416), 414-418, 2012
All-scale hierarchical thermoelectrics: MgTe in PbTe facilitates valence band convergence and suppresses bipolar thermal transport for high performance
LD Zhao, HJ Wu, SQ Hao, CI Wu, XY Zhou, K Biswas, JQ He, TP Hogan, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 6 (11), 3346-3355, 2013
Spinodal Decomposition and Nucleation and Growth as a Means to Bulk Nanostructured Thermoelectrics:  Enhanced Performance in Pb1-xSnxTe−PbS
J Androulakis, CH Lin, HJ Kong, C Uher, CI Wu, T Hogan, BA Cook, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 129 (31), 9780-9788, 2007
High performance thermoelectrics from earth-abundant materials: enhanced figure of merit in PbS by second phase nanostructures
LD Zhao, SH Lo, J He, H Li, K Biswas, J Androulakis, CI Wu, TP Hogan, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 133 (50), 20476-20487, 2011
High thermoelectric performance via hierarchical compositionally alloyed nanostructures
LD Zhao, S Hao, SH Lo, CI Wu, X Zhou, Y Lee, H Li, K Biswas, TP Hogan, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 135 (19), 7364-7370, 2013
Raising the thermoelectric performance of p-type PbS with endotaxial nanostructuring and valence-band offset engineering using CdS and ZnS
LD Zhao, J He, S Hao, CI Wu, TP Hogan, C Wolverton, VP Dravid, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 134 (39), 16327-16336, 2012
Large enhancements in the thermoelectric power factor of bulk PbTe at high temperature by synergistic nanostructuring
JR Sootsman, H Kong, C Uher, JJ D'Angelo, CI Wu, TP Hogan, T Caillat, ...
Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 47 (45), 8618-8622, 2008
Thermoelectrics with earth abundant elements: high performance p-type PbS nanostructured with SrS and CaS
LD Zhao, J He, CI Wu, TP Hogan, X Zhou, C Uher, VP Dravid, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 134 (18), 7902-7912, 2012
High ZT in p-Type (PbTe)1–2x(PbSe)x(PbS)x Thermoelectric Materials
RJ Korkosz, TC Chasapis, S Lo, JW Doak, YJ Kim, CI Wu, E Hatzikraniotis, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 136 (8), 3225-3237, 2014
High-performance tellurium-free thermoelectrics: all-scale hierarchical structuring of p-Type PbSe–MSe Systems (M= Ca, Sr, Ba)
Y Lee, SH Lo, J Androulakis, CI Wu, LD Zhao, DY Chung, TP Hogan, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 135 (13), 5152-5160, 2013
High Figure of Merit in Nanostructured n-Type KPbmSbTem+2 Thermoelectric Materials
PFP Poudeu, A Guéguen, CI Wu, T Hogan, MG Kanatzidis
Chemistry of materials 22 (3), 1046-1053, 2010
Room temperature Young's modulus, shear modulus, Poisson's ratio and hardness of PbTe–PbS thermoelectric materials
JE Ni, ED Case, KN Khabir, RC Stewart, CI Wu, TP Hogan, EJ Timm, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: B 170 (1-3), 58-66, 2010
Electrical, thermal, and mechanical characterization of novel segmented-leg thermoelectric modules
J D’angelo, ED Case, N Matchanov, CI Wu, TP Hogan, J Barnard, ...
Journal of electronic materials 40, 2051-2062, 2011
Nanostructured thermoelectric materials and high-efficiency power-generation modules
TP Hogan, A Downey, J Short, J D’Angelo, CI Wu, E Quarez, ...
Journal of Electronic Materials 36, 704-710, 2007
The thermal expansion coefficient as a key design parameter for thermoelectric materials and its relationship to processing-dependent bloating
JE Ni, ED Case, RD Schmidt, CI Wu, TP Hogan, RM Trejo, MJ Kirkham, ...
Journal of Materials Science 48, 6233-6244, 2013
Characterization of dry milled powders of LAST (lead–antimony–silver–tellurium) thermoelectric material
AL Pilchak¶, F Ren, ED Case, EJ Timm, HJ Schock, CI Wu, TP Hogan
Philosophical Magazine 87 (29), 4567-4591, 2007
Bloating in (Pb0.95Sn0.05Te)0.92(PbS)0.08-0.055%PbI2 Thermoelectric Specimens as a Result of Processing Conditions
JE Ni, ED Case, R Stewart, CI Wu, TP Hogan, MG Kanatzidis
Journal of electronic materials 41, 1153-1158, 2012
Transport behavior and thermal conductivity reduction in the composite system PbTe-Pb-Sb
J Sootsman, H Kong, C Uher, A Downey, JJ D'Angelo, CI Wu, T Hogan, ...
MRS Online Proceedings Library (OPL) 1044, 1044-U08-01, 2007
Room-temperature mechanical properties of LAST (Pb–Sb–Ag–Te) thermoelectric materials as a function of cooling rate during ingot casting
F Ren, ED Case, BD Hall, JE Ni, EJ Timm, CI Wu, JJ D’angelo, TP Hogan, ...
Philosophical magazine letters 89 (4), 267-275, 2009
Advanced soldier-based thermoelectric power systems using battlefield heat sources
TJ Hendricks, NK Karri, TP Hogan, J D'Angelo, CI Wu, ED Case, F Ren, ...
MRS Online Proceedings Library (OPL) 1218, 1218-Z07-02, 2009
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Articles 1–20