Michael P. Hoepfner
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Cited by
Microscale heat transfer transduced by surface plasmon resonant gold nanoparticles
DK Roper, W Ahn, M Hoepfner
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 111 (9), 3636-3641, 2007
A fundamental study of asphaltene deposition
MP Hoepfner, V Limsakoune, V Chuenmeechao, T Maqbool, HS Fogler
Energy & fuels 27 (2), 725-735, 2013
The fractal aggregation of asphaltenes
MP Hoepfner, C Vilas Bôas Fávero, N Haji-Akbari, HS Fogler
Langmuir 29 (28), 8799-8808, 2013
Modeling the aggregation of asphaltene nanoaggregates in crude oil− precipitant systems
T Maqbool, S Raha, MP Hoepfner, HS Fogler
Energy & Fuels 25 (4), 1585-1596, 2011
Multiscale scattering investigations of asphaltene cluster breakup, nanoaggregate dissociation, and molecular ordering
MP Hoepfner, HS Fogler
Langmuir 29 (49), 15423-15432, 2013
Combined asphaltene aggregation and deposition investigation
W Chaisoontornyotin, N Haji-Akbari, HS Fogler, MP Hoepfner
Energy & Fuels 30 (3), 1979-1986, 2016
A unified model for aggregation of asphaltenes
N Haji-Akbari, P Masirisuk, MP Hoepfner, HS Fogler
Energy & Fuels 27 (5), 2497-2505, 2013
Molecular polydispersity improves prediction of asphaltene aggregation
G Javanbakht, M Sedghi, WRW Welch, L Goual, MP Hoepfner
Journal of Molecular Liquids 256, 382-394, 2018
Revisiting the flocculation kinetics of destabilized asphaltenes
CVB Fávero, T Maqbool, M Hoepfner, N Haji-Akbari, HS Fogler
Advances in colloid and interface science 244, 267-280, 2017
Structure of asphaltenes during precipitation investigated by ultra-small-angle x-ray scattering
Y Yang, W Chaisoontornyotin, MP Hoepfner
Langmuir 34 (35), 10371-10380, 2018
Predicting asphaltene aggregate structure from molecular dynamics simulation: comparison to neutron total scattering data
TF Headen, MP Hoepfner
Energy & Fuels 33 (5), 3787-3795, 2019
Reversibility of asphaltene precipitation using temperature-induced aggregation
W Chaisoontornyotin, AW Bingham, MP Hoepfner
Energy & Fuels 31 (4), 3392-3398, 2017
Confinement-mediated phase behavior of hydrocarbon fluids: Insights from Monte Carlo simulations
J Li, Q Rao, Y Xia, M Hoepfner, MD Deo
Langmuir 36 (26), 7277-7288, 2020
Effect of chemical inhibitors on asphaltene precipitation and morphology using ultra-small-angle X-ray scattering
M Ismail, Y Yang, W Chaisoontornyotin, C Ovalles, E Rogel, ME Moir, ...
Energy & Fuels 33 (5), 3681-3693, 2018
Rapid heterogeneous asphaltene precipitation with dispersed solids
W Chaisoontornyotin, J Zhang, S Ng, MP Hoepfner
Energy & Fuels 32 (7), 7458-7466, 2018
Plasmonic photocatalytic enhancement of L-Cysteine self-assembled gold nanoparticle clusters for fenton reaction catalysis
S Agrawal, RA Mysko, MM Nigra, SK Mohanty, MP Hoepfner
Langmuir 37 (11), 3281-3287, 2021
Investigations into Asphaltene Deposition, Stability, and Structure.
MP Hoepfner
Describing temperature increases in plasmon-resonant nanoparticle systems
MP Hoepfner, DK Roper
Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry 98, 197-202, 2009
Transferable force fields from experimental scattering data with machine learning assisted structure refinement
BL Shanks, JJ Potoff, MP Hoepfner
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 13 (49), 11512-11520, 2022
Effect of confinement on the density and diffusivity of organic molecules in single-digit nanopores relative to bulk fluid behavior
S Agrawal, M Elmehlawy, MP Hoepfner
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 125 (20), 11097-11106, 2021
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Articles 1–20