Hyogi Sim
Hyogi Sim
Huawei Zurich Research Center
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Cited by
LRU-WSR: integration of LRU and writes sequence reordering for flash memory
JC Hoyoung Jung, Hyoki Shim, Sungmin Park, Sooyong Kang
Consumer Electronics, IEEE Transactions on 54 (3), 1215-1223, 2008
Performance trade-offs in using NVRAM write buffer for flash memory-based storage devices
JC Sooyong Kang, Sungmin Park, Hoyoung Jung, Hyoki Shim
Computers, IEEE Transactions on 58 (6), 744-758, 2009
An analysis of system balance and architectural trends based on top500 supercomputers
A Khan, H Sim, SS Vazhkudai, AR Butt, Y Kim
The International Conference on High Performance Computing in Asia-Pacific …, 2021
Tagit: an integrated indexing and search service for file systems
H Sim, Y Kim, SS Vazhkudai, GR Vallée, SH Lim, AR Butt
Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing …, 2017
Analyzethis: an analysis workflow-aware storage system
H Sim, Y Kim, SS Vazhkudai, D Tiwari, A Anwar, AR Butt, L Ramakrishnan
Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing …, 2015
LIRS-WSR: Integration of LIRS and Writes Sequence Reordering for Flash Memory
JC oyoung Jung, Kyunghoon Yoon, Hyoki Shim, Sungmin Park, Sooyong Kang
Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2007 4705, 224-237, 2007
An integrated indexing and search service for distributed file systems
H Sim, A Khan, SS Vazhkudai, SH Lim, AR Butt, Y Kim
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 31 (10), 2375-2391, 2020
Diving into petascale production file systems through large scale profiling and analysis
F Wang, H Sim, C Harr, S Oral
Proceedings of the 2nd Joint International Workshop on Parallel Data Storage …, 2017
Scientific user behavior and data-sharing trends in a petascale file system
SH Lim, H Sim, R Gunasekaran, SS Vazhkudai
Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing …, 2017
UnifyCR: A file system for burst buffers
K Mohror, S Oral, A Moody, F Wang, H Sim, D Sikich, J Moore, N Bass
Lawrence Livermore National Lab.(LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States), 2017
Persistent memory object storage and indexing for scientific computing
A Khan, H Sim, SS Vazhkudai, J Ma, MH Oh, Y Kim
2020 IEEE/ACM Workshop on Memory Centric High Performance Computing (MCHPC), 1-9, 2020
Bespokv: Application tailored scale-out key-value stores
A Anwar, Y Cheng, H Huang, J Han, H Sim, D Lee, F Douglis, AR Butt
SC18: International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking …, 2018
MOSIQS: Persistent memory object storage with metadata indexing and querying for scientific computing
A Khan, H Sim, SS Vazhkudai, Y Kim
IEEE Access 9, 85217-85231, 2021
Customizable scale-out key-value stores
A Anwar, Y Cheng, H Huang, J Han, H Sim, D Lee, F Douglis, AR Butt
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 31 (9), 2081-2096, 2020
Using non-volatile ram as a write buffer for nand flash memory-based storage devices
JC Sungmin Park, Hoyoung Jung, Hyoki Shim, Sooyong Kang
Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computers and Telecommunication Systems …, 2008
Cslim automated extraction of IoT functionalities from legacy C codebases
H Sim, AK Paul, E Tilevich, AR Butt, M Shahzad
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Distributed Computing …, 2019
Exploiting user activeness for data retention in hpc systems
W Zhang, S Byna, H Sim, S Lee, S Vazhkudai, Y Chen
Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing …, 2021
An Analysis Workflow-Aware Storage System for Multi-Core Active Flash Arrays
H Sim, G Vallee, Y Kim, SS Vazhkudai, D Tiwari, AR Butt
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 30 (2), 271-285, 2018
Analyzethat: a programmable shared-memory system for an array of processing-in-memory devices
S Lee, H Sim, Y Kim, SS Vazhkudai
2017 17th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid …, 2017
Identifying the FTL mapping schemes of USB flash drives
HG Sim, HY Jung, SM Park, J Cha, S Kang
Information (Japan) 14 (2), 443-455, 2011
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Articles 1–20