Derk L. Bätzner
Derk L. Bätzner
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Development of thin‐film Cu(In,Ga)Se2 and CdTe solar cells
A Romeo, M Terheggen, D Abou‐Ras, DL Bätzner, FJ Haug, M Kälin, ...
Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications 12 (2‐3), 93-111, 2004
Development of efficient and stable back contacts on CdTe/CdS solar cells
DL Bätzner, A Romeo, H Zogg, R Wendt, AN Tiwari
Thin solid films 387 (1-2), 151-154, 2001
Increase in external quantum efficiency of encapsulated silicon solar cells from a luminescent down‐shifting layer
KR McIntosh, G Lau, JN Cotsell, K Hanton, DL Bätzner, F Bettiol, ...
Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications 17 (3), 191-197, 2009
Recent developments in evaporated CdTe solar cells
G Khrypunov, A Romeo, F Kurdesau, DL Bätzner, H Zogg, AN Tiwari
Solar energy materials and solar cells 90 (6), 664-677, 2006
CdTe solar cell in a novel configuration
AN Tiwari, G Khrypunov, F Kurdzesau, DL Bätzner, A Romeo, H Zogg
Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications 12 (1), 33-38, 2004
Flexible CdTe solar cells on polymer films
AN Tiwari, A Romeo, D Baetzner, H Zogg
Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications 9 (3), 211-215, 2001
Influence of CdS growth process on structural and photovoltaic properties of CdTe/CdS solar cells
A Romeo, DL Bätzner, H Zogg, C Vignali, AN Tiwari
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 67 (1-4), 311-321, 2001
High-efficiency flexible CdTe solar cells on polymer substrates
A Romeo, G Khrypunov, F Kurdesau, M Arnold, DL Bätzner, H Zogg, ...
Solar energy materials and solar cells 90 (18-19), 3407-3415, 2006
Stability aspects in CdTe/CdS solar cells
DL Bätzner, A Romeo, M Terheggen, M Döbeli, H Zogg, AN Tiwari
Thin Solid Films 451, 536-543, 2004
A study of the back contacts on CdTe/CdS solar cells
DL Bätzner, R Wendt, A Romeo, H Zogg, AN Tiwari
Thin Solid Films 361, 463-467, 2000
Structural and chemical interface characterization of CdTe solar cells by transmission electron microscopy
M Terheggen, H Heinrich, G Kostorz, A Romeo, D Baetzner, AN Tiwari, ...
Thin Solid Films 431, 262-266, 2003
Recrystallization in CdTe/CdS
A Romeo, DL Bätzner, H Zogg, AN Tiwari
Thin Solid Films 361, 420-425, 2000
Analysis of bulk and interface phenomena in CdTe/CdS thin-film solar cells
M Terheggen, H Heinrich, G Kostorz, D Baetzner, A Romeo, AN Tiwari
Interface Science 12, 259-266, 2004
Si/SiO2 multiple quantum wells for all silicon tandem cells: Conductivity and photocurrent measurements
R Rölver, B Berghoff, D Bätzner, B Spangenberg, H Kurz, M Schmidt, ...
Thin Solid Films 516 (20), 6763-6766, 2008
New cell metallization patterns for heterojunction solar cells interconnected by the smart wire connection technology
P Papet, L Andreetta, D Lachenal, G Wahli, J Meixenberger, B Legradic, ...
Energy Procedia 67, 203-209, 2015
Heterojunction and passivated contacts: a simple method to extract both n/tco and p/tco contacts resistivity
D Lachenal, D Baetzner, W Frammelsberger, B Legradic, J Meixenberger, ...
Energy Procedia 92, 932-938, 2016
GridTouch: innovative solution for accurate IV measurement of busbarless cells in production and laboratory environments
N Bassi, C Clerc, Y Pelet, J Hiller, V Fakhfouri, C Droz, M Despeisse, ...
Proc. of 29th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition …, 2014
Lateral Si∕ SiO2 quantum well solar cells
R Rölver, B Berghoff, DL Bätzner, B Spangenberg, H Kurz
Applied Physics Letters 92 (21), 2008
CdTe/CdS solar cell performance under low irradiance
DL Bätzner, A Romeo, H Zogg, AN Tiwari
Proceedings of the 17th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and …, 2001
Device analysis methods for physical cell parameters of CdTe/Cds solar cells
DL Bätzner, ME Öszan, D Bonnet, K Bücher
Thin Solid Films 361, 288-292, 2000
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Articles 1–20