Robert Gutounig
Robert Gutounig
FH JOANNEUM - University of Applied Sciences
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Cited by
The datafication of data journalism scholarship: Focal points, methods, and research propositions for the investigation of data-intensive newswork
J Ausserhofer, R Gutounig, M Oppermann, S Matiasek, E Goldgruber
Journalism 21 (7), 950-973, 2020
Wissen in digitalen Netzwerken: Potenziale Neuer Medien für Wissensprozesse
R Gutounig
Springer-Verlag, 2014
The Vienna principles: a vision for scholarly communication in the 21st century
P Kraker, D Dörler, A Ferus, R Gutounig, F Heigl, C Kaier, K Rieck, ...
Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen und …, 2016
netflower: Dynamic Network Visualization for Data Journalists
C Stoiber, A Rind, F Grassinger, R Gutounig, E Goldgruber, M Sedlmair, ...
Computer Graphics Forum 38 (3), 699-711, 2019
Web 2.0 messaging tools for knowledge management? Exploring the potentials of slack
S Dennerlein, R Gutounig, E Goldgruber, S Schweiger
Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Knowledge Management, ECKM …, 2016
Leveraging social media to enhance customer value in tourism and hospitality
R Gutounig, B Phillips, S Radkohl, S Macher, K Schaffer, D Binder
Handbook on tourism and social media, 160-172, 2022
Social media as a crisis communication arena: Digging into new communication spaces
E Goldgruber, S Sackl-Sharif, R Gutounig, J Ausserhofer
ECSM 2017 Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Social Media …, 2017
Assessing Barcamps: Incentives for Participation in Ad-hoc Conferences and the Role of Social Media
S Dennerlein, R Gutounig, P Kraker, R Kaiser, R Rauter, J Ausserhofer
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Knowledge Management and …, 2013
‘When the Levee Breaks’: Recommendations for Social Media Use During Environmental Disasters
E Goldgruber, S Sackl-Sharif, J Ausserhofer, R Gutounig
Social Media Use in Crisis and Risk Communication, 229-253, 2018
Potential von" Slack" im E-Learning
E Goldgruber, R Gutounig, S Schweiger, SM Dennerlein
Knowledge strategies in organisations: A case for the barcamp format
S Dennerlein, R Gutounig, R Kaiser, C Barreiros, R Rauter
European Conference on Knowledge Management, 222, 2015
Guiding socio-technical reflection of ethical principles in TEL software development: The SREP framework
S Dennerlein, C Wolf-Brenner, R Gutounig, S Schweiger, ...
Addressing Global Challenges and Quality Education: 15th European Conference …, 2020
Visual exploration of media transparency for data journalists: Problem characterization and abstraction
W Aigner, C Niederer, M Sedlmair, A Rind, R Gutounig, J Ausserhofer
Building an open data visualisation web app using a data server: the Styrian diversity visualisation project
K Andrews, T Traunmüller, T Wolkinger, R Gutounig, J Ausserhofer
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Knowledge Technologies …, 2015
Social Media and Self-Organization: Potentials for Knowledge Processes and Social Change
R Gutounig
Birgit Hofstätter und Günter Getzinger (Hg.): Proceedings of the 10th Annual …, 2011
Social Technologies und ihre Anwendung am Arbeitsplatz aus interdisziplinärer Perspektive
A Lerch, S Dennerlein, R Gutounig, R Rauter
Intensivierung der Arbeit. Perspektiven auf Arbeitszeit und technologischen …, 2019
Conceptualizing Web Philosophy: Humanities and the Analysis of the Digital Society
R Gutounig, U Unterberger
The International Journal of Critical Cultural Studies 13 (3), 23, 2015
Grundlagen des Wissensmanagement, Kapitel 1
B Ditzel, R Gutounig, M Sammer, J Tuppinger, R Willfort
Wissensmanagement Forum (Hrsg.): Das Praxishandbuch Wissensmanagement …, 2007
Datenjournalismus: Die Transformation journalistischer Arbeitsabläufe und Produkte durch Visualisierung und Analyse von Daten
R Gutounig, S Radkohl, E Goldgruber, C Stoiber
Die digitale Transformation der Medien: Leitmedien im Wandel, 325-345, 2022
Digital und/oder analog? Zusammenarbeit am Arbeitsplatz aus der Perspektive österreichischer Unternehmen
R Rauter, A Lerch, T Lederer-Hutsteiner, S Klinger, A Mayr, R Gutounig, ...
Wirtschaftsinformatik & Management 13, 48-58, 2021
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Articles 1–20