Cited by
Cited by
An improved multiband-structured subband adaptive filter algorithm
F Yang, M Wu, P Ji, J Yang
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 19 (10), 647-650, 2012
Design and demonstration of an underwater acoustic carpet cloak
Y Bi, H Jia, W Lu, P Ji, J Yang
Scientific Reports 7, 2017
On preprocessing techniques for bandlimited parametric loudspeakers
EL Tan, P Ji, WS Gan
Applied Acoustics 71 (5), 486-492, 2010
A comparative analysis of preprocessing methods for the parametric loudspeaker based on the Khokhlov–Zabolotskaya–Kuznetsov equation for speech reproduction
P Ji, EL Tan, WS Gan, J Yang
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 19 (4), 937-946, 2011
Development of an acoustic filter for parametric loudspeaker using phononic crystals
P Ji, W Hu, J Yang
Ultrasonics 67, 160-167, 2016
An experimental acoustic cloak for generating virtual images
W Hu, Y Fan, P Ji, J Yang
Journal of Applied Physics 113 (2), 024911, 2013
Distortion analysis and reduction for the parametric array
WS Gan, P Ji, EL Tan, J Yang
Audio Engineering Society Convention 124, 2008
Low-Complexity Implementation of the Improved Multiband-Structured Subband Adaptive Filter Algorithm
F Yang, M Wu, P Ji, J Yang
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 63 (19), 5133-5148, 2015
Transient and steady-state analyses of the improved multiband-structured subband adaptive filter algorithm
F Yang, M Wu, P Ji, Z Kuang, J Yang
IET Signal Processing 9 (8), 596-604, 2015
Modeling and compensation for the distortion of parametric loudspeakers using a one-dimension Volterra filter
Y Mu, P Ji, W Ji, M Wu, J Yang
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 22 (12 …, 2014
An experimental investigation about parameters’ effects on spurious sound in parametric loudspeaker
P Ji, J Yang
Applied Acoustics 148, 67-74, 2019
An alternative method to measure the on-axis difference-frequency sound in a parametric loudspeaker without using an acoustic filter
P Ji, W Liu, S Wu, J Yang, WS Gan
Applied Acoustics 73 (12), 1244-1250, 2012
Performance analysis on recursive single-sideband amplitude modulation for parametric loudspeakers
P Ji, WS Gan, EL Tan, J Yang
Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 2010 IEEE International Conference on, 748-753, 2010
The investigation of localized sound generation using two ultrasound beams
P Ji, J Yang, W Gan
IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control 56 …, 2009
On the linearization of a parametric loudspeaker system by using third-order inverse Volterra filters
Y Mu, P Ji, W Ji, M Wu, J Yang
Signal and Information Processing (ChinaSIP), 2013 IEEE China Summit …, 2013
Theoretical and experimental comparison of amplitude modulation techniques for parametric loudspeakers
W Ji, WS Gan, P Ji
Audio Engineering Society Convention 128, 2010
Development of a simple and accurate approximation method for the Gaussian beam expansion technique
W Liu, P Ji, J Yang
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 123 (5), 3516, 2008
Generation of audible sound from two ultrasonic beams with dummy head
C Ye, Z Kuang, P Ji, J Yang
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 47 (5S), 4333, 2008
Headphone-To-Ear Transfer Function Estimation Using Measured Acoustic Parameters.
J Liu, H Deng, P Ji, J Yang
Applied Sciences (2076-3417) 8 (6), 2018
Noise reduction in infrasound signals based on mask coefficient binary weighting – Generalized cross correlation – Non-negative matrix factorization algorithm
Y Dai, P Teng, J Lv, P Ji, W Cheng
Applied Acoustics 186 (15), 2022
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