Joachim Stolze
Joachim Stolze
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Quantum computing: a short course from theory to experiment
J Stolze, D Suter
John Wiley & Sons, 2008
Spin chains as perfect quantum state mirrors
P Karbach, J Stolze
Physical Review A 72 (3), 030301, 2005
Exact dynamics in the inhomogeneous central-spin model
M Bortz, J Stolze
Physical Review B 76 (1), 014304, 2007
Robustness of spin-coupling distributions for perfect quantum state transfer
A Zwick, GA Álvarez, J Stolze, O Osenda
Physical Review A 84 (2), 022311, 2011
Dynamic correlations of antiferromagnetic spin-XXZ chains at arbitrary temperature from complete diagonalization
K Fabricius, U Löw, J Stolze
Physical Review B 55 (9), 5833, 1997
Spin chains for robust state transfer: Modified boundary couplings versus completely engineered chains
A Zwick, GA Álvarez, J Stolze, O Osenda
Physical Review A 85 (1), 012318, 2012
Gaussian, exponential, and power-law decay of time-dependent correlation functions in quantum spin chains
J Stolze, A Nöppert, G Müller
Physical Review B 52 (6), 4319, 1995
Dynamics and decoherence in the central spin model using exact methods
M Bortz, S Eggert, C Schneider, R Stübner, J Stolze
Physical Review B 82 (16), 161308, 2010
Classical and quantum phase-space behavior of a spin-boson system
L Müller, J Stolze, H Leschke, P Nagel
Physical Review A 44 (2), 1022, 1991
Spin and entanglement dynamics in the central-spin model with homogeneous couplings
M Bortz, J Stolze
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2007 (06), P06018, 2007
Dynamics of semi-infinite quantum spin chains atT=∞
J Stolze, VS Viswanath, G Müller
Zeitschrift für Physik B Condensed Matter 89, 45-55, 1992
Dynamic properties of the spin-1 2 X Y chain with three-site interactions
T Krokhmalskii, O Derzhko, J Stolze, T Verkholyak
Physical Review B 77 (17), 174404, 2008
Dynamics of the spin-½ isotropic XY chain in a transverse field
O Derzhko, T Krokhmalskii, J Stolze
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 33 (16), 3063, 2000
Ordering and fluctuations in the ground state of the one-dimensional and two-dimensional S=1/2 XXZ antiferromagnets: A study of dynamical properties based on …
VS Viswanath, S Zhang, J Stolze, G Müller
Physical Review B 49 (14), 9702, 1994
High-temperature dynamics of the anisotropic Heisenberg chain studied by moment methods
U Brandt, J Stolze
Zeitschrift für Physik B Condensed Matter 64 (3), 327-339, 1986
Conservation laws protect dynamic spin correlations from decay: Limited role of integrability in the central spin model
GS Uhrig, J Hackmann, D Stanek, J Stolze, FB Anders
Physical Review B 90 (6), 060301, 2014
Oxygen ordering in the basal plane of : Ground states
J Stolze
Physical review letters 64 (8), 970, 1990
Quantum state transfer in disordered spin chains: How much engineering is reasonable?
A Zwick, GA Álvarez, J Stolze, O Osenda
Quant. Inf. Comput. 15, 582-600, 2015
Robustness of spin-chain state-transfer schemes
J Stolze, GA Álvarez, O Osenda, A Zwick
Quantum State Transfer and Network Engineering, 149-182, 2014
Perfect state transfer in XX chains induced by boundary magnetic fields
T Linneweber, J Stolze, GS Uhrig
International Journal of Quantum Information 10 (03), 1250029, 2012
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