Thomas Ferreira de Lima
Thomas Ferreira de Lima
Principal Photonics Design Engineer, Quantum Transistors; Visiting Scholar, Princeton University
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Cited by
Photonics for artificial intelligence and neuromorphic computing
BJ Shastri, AN Tait, T Ferreira de Lima, WHP Pernice, H Bhaskaran, ...
Nature Photonics 15 (2), 102-114, 2021
Neuromorphic photonic networks using silicon photonic weight banks
AN Tait, T Ferreira de Lima, E Zhou, AX Wu, MA Nahmias, BJ Shastri, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 7430, 2017
Photonic multiply-accumulate operations for neural networks
MA Nahmias, T Ferreira de Lima, AN Tait, HT Peng, BJ Shastri, ...
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 26 (1), 1-18, 2019
Silicon photonic modulator neuron
AN Tait, T Ferreira de Lima, MA Nahmias, HB Miller, HT Peng, BJ Shastri, ...
Phys. Rev. Applied 11 (6), 064043-064060, 2019
Neuromorphic photonic integrated circuits
HT Peng, MA Nahmias, T Ferreira de Lima, AN Tait, BJ Shastri
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 24 (6), 1-15, 2018
Recent progress in semiconductor excitable lasers for photonic spike processing
PR Prucnal, BJ Shastri, T Ferreira de Lima, MA Nahmias, AN Tait
Advances in Optics and Photonics 8 (2), 228-299, 2016
Neuromorphic photonics
PR Prucnal, BJ Shastri
CRC Press, 2017
Digital electronics and analog photonics for convolutional neural networks (DEAP-CNNs)
V Bangari, BA Marquez, H Miller, AN Tait, MA Nahmias, ...
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 26 (1), 1-13, 2019
A silicon photonic–electronic neural network for fibre nonlinearity compensation
C Huang, S Fujisawa, TF de Lima, AN Tait, EC Blow, Y Tian, S Bilodeau, ...
Nature Electronics 4 (11), 837-844, 2021
Progress in neuromorphic photonics
T Ferreira de Lima, BJ Shastri, AN Tait, MA Nahmias, PR Prucnal
Nanophotonics 6 (3), 577-599, 2017
Microring weight banks
AN Tait, AX Wu, T Ferreira de Lima, E Zhou, BJ Shastri, MA Nahmias, ...
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 22 (6), 312-325, 2016
Roadmap on emerging hardware and technology for machine learning
K Berggren, Q Xia, KK Likharev, DB Strukov, H Jiang, T Mikolajick, ...
Nanotechnology 32 (1), 012002, 2020
Machine Learning with Neuromorphic Photonics
T Ferreira de Lima, HT Peng, A Tait, MA Nahmias, H Miller, BJ Shastri, ...
Journal of Lightwave Technology 37 (5), 1515-1534, 2019
Prospects and applications of photonic neural networks
C Huang, VJ Sorger, M Miscuglio, M Al-Qadasi, A Mukherjee, L Lampe, ...
Advances in Physics: X 7 (1), 1981155, 2022
ITO-based electro-absorption modulator for photonic neural activation function
R Amin, J George, S Sun, T Ferreira de Lima, AN Tait, J Khurgin, ...
APL Materials 7 (8), 081112, 2019
Feedback control for microring weight banks
AN Tait, H Jayatilleka, T Ferreira de Lima, PY Ma, MA Nahmias, ...
Optics express 26 (20), 26422-26443, 2018
Neuromorphic photonics with electro-absorption modulators
JK George, A Mehrabian, R Amin, J Meng, T Ferreira de Lima, AN Tait, ...
Optics Express 27 (4), 5181-5191, 2019
Demonstration of scalable microring weight bank control for large-scale photonic integrated circuits
C Huang, S Bilodeau, T Ferreira de Lima, AN Tait, PY Ma, EC Blow, A Jha, ...
APL Photonics 5 (4), 2020
Silicon microring synapses enable photonic deep learning beyond 9-bit precision
W Zhang, C Huang, HT Peng, S Bilodeau, A Jha, E Blow, TF De Lima, ...
Optica 9 (5), 579-584, 2022
Silicon Photonic Circuit Design Using Rapid Prototyping Foundry Process Design Kits
L Chrostowski, H Shoman, M Hammood, H Yun, J Jhoja, E Luan, S Lin, ...
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 25 (5), 1-26, 2019
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Articles 1–20