Pasquale Lisena
Pasquale Lisena
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Cited by
DOREMUS: A graph of linked musical works
M Achichi, P Lisena, K Todorov, R Troncy, J Delahousse
The Semantic Web–ISWC 2018: 17th International Semantic Web Conference …, 2018
Easy web API development with SPARQL transformer
P Lisena, A Meroño-Peñuela, T Kuhn, R Troncy
International semantic web conference, 454-470, 2019
Apples to apples: A systematic evaluation of topic models
I Harrando, P Lisena, R Troncy
Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural …, 2021
Controlled vocabularies for music metadata
P Lisena, K Todorov, C Cecconi, F Leresche, I Canno, F Puyrenier, ...
ISMIR: International Society for Music Information Retrieval, 2018
A novel ensemble method for named entity recognition and disambiguation based on neural network
L Canale, P Lisena, R Troncy
The Semantic Web–ISWC 2018: 17th International Semantic Web Conference …, 2018
TOMODAPI: A topic modeling API to train, use and compare topic models
P Lisena, I Harrando, O Kandakji, R Troncy
Proceedings of second workshop for NLP open source software (NLP-OSS), 132-140, 2020
MIDI2vec: Learning MIDI embeddings for reliable prediction of symbolic music metadata
P Lisena, A Meroño-Peñuela, R Troncy
Semantic Web 13 (3), 357-377, 2022
An ensemble approach of recurrent neural networks using pre-trained embeddings for playlist completion
D Monti, E Palumbo, G Rizzo, P Lisena, R Troncy, M Fell, E Cabrio, ...
Proceedings of the ACM Recommender Systems Challenge 2018, 1-6, 2018
Transforming the JSON output of SPARQL queries for linked data clients
P Lisena, R Troncy
Companion Proceedings of the The Web Conference 2018, 775-780, 2018
Capturing the semantics of smell: the odeuropa data model for olfactory heritage information
P Lisena, D Schwabe, M van Erp, R Troncy, W Tullett, I Leemans, L Marx, ...
European Semantic Web Conference, 387-405, 2022
Improving (re-) usability of musical datasets: An overview of the doremus project
P Lisena, M Achichi, P Choffé, C Cecconi, K Todorov, B Jacquemin, ...
Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis 42 (2), 194-205, 2018
A multilingual benchmark to capture olfactory situations over time
S Menini, T Paccosi, S Tonelli, M Van Erp, I Leemans, P Lisena, R Troncy, ...
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Computational Approaches to Historical …, 2022
Transdisciplinary analysis of a corpus of French newsreels: The ANTRACT Project
J Carrive, A Beloued, P Goetschel, S Heiden, A Laurent, P Lisena, ...
Digital Humanities Quarterly 15 (1), 2021
Exploring linked classical music catalogs with overture
P Lisena, M Achichi, E Fernández, K Todorov, R Troncy
ISWC: International Semantic Web Conference, 2016
FaceRec: an interactive framework for face recognition in video archives
P Lisena, J Laaksonen, R Troncy
DataTV 2021, 2nd International Workshop on Data-driven Personalisation of …, 2021
Beyond causality: Representing event relations in knowledge graphs
Y Rebboud, P Lisena, R Troncy
International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management …, 2022
MUSTI-multimodal understanding of smells in texts and images at mediaeval 2022
A Hürriyetoğlu, T Paccosi, S Menini, M Zinnen, P Lisena, K Akdemir, ...
Proceedings of MediaEval 2022 CEUR Workshop, 2022
KG explorer: a customisable exploration tool for knowledge graphs
T Ehrhart, P Lisena, R Troncy
VOILA 2021, International Workshop on the Visualization and Interaction for …, 2021
MINGUS: Melodic Improvisation Neural Generator Using Seq2Seq.
V Madaghiele, P Lisena, R Troncy
ISMIR, 412-419, 2021
Modeling the complexity of music metadata in semantic graphs for exploration and discovery
P Lisena, R Troncy, K Todorov, M Achichi
Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Digital Libraries for …, 2017
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Articles 1–20