Benjamin A. Thomas
Benjamin A. Thomas
Centre for Advanced Research Computing, UCL
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A review of partial volume correction techniques for emission tomography and their applications in neurology, cardiology and oncology
K Erlandsson, I Buvat, PH Pretorius, BA Thomas, BF Hutton
Physics in Medicine & Biology 57 (21), R119, 2012
The importance of appropriate partial volume correction for PET quantification in Alzheimer’s disease
BA Thomas, K Erlandsson, M Modat, L Thurfjell, R Vandenberghe, ...
European journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging 38 (6), 1104-1119, 2011
Amyloid PET imaging in Alzheimer’s disease: a comparison of three radiotracers
SM Landau, BA Thomas, L Thurfjell, M Schmidt, R Margolin, M Mintun, ...
European journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging 41 (7), 1398-1407, 2014
PETPVC: a toolbox for performing partial volume correction techniques in positron emission tomography
BA Thomas, V Cuplov, A Bousse, A Mendes, K Thielemans, BF Hutton, ...
Physics in Medicine & Biology 61 (22), 7975, 2016
Implementation and validation of an adaptive template registration method for 18F-flutemetamol imaging data
R Lundqvist, J Lilja, BA Thomas, J Lötjönen, VL Villemagne, CC Rowe, ...
Journal of Nuclear Medicine 54 (8), 1472-1478, 2013
Areas of normal pulmonary parenchyma on HRCT exhibit increased FDG PET signal in IPF patients
T Win, BA Thomas, T Lambrou, BF Hutton, NJ Screaton, JC Porter, ...
European journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging 41 (2), 337-342, 2014
SIRF: Synergistic Image Reconstruction Framework
E Ovtchinnikov, D Atkinson, C Kolbitsch, BA Thomas, O Bertolli, ...
2017 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC …, 2017
What approach to brain partial volume correction is best for PET/MRI?
BF Hutton, BA Thomas, K Erlandsson, A Bousse, A Reilhac-Laborde, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2013
Validation of a combined image derived input function and venous sampling approach for the quantification of [18F] GE-179 PET binding in the brain
M Galovic, K Erlandsson, TD Fryer, YT Hong, R Manavaki, H Sari, ...
NeuroImage, 118194, 2021
A comparison of five partial volume correction methods for Tau and Amyloid PET imaging with [18F] THK5351 and [11C] PIB
M Shidahara, BA Thomas, N Okamura, M Ibaraki, K Matsubara, S Oyama, ...
Annals of Nuclear Medicine 31 (7), 563-569, 2017
Markov random field and Gaussian mixture for segmented MRI-based partial volume correction in PET
A Bousse, S Pedemonte, BA Thomas, K Erlandsson, S Ourselin, S Arridge, ...
Physics in Medicine & Biology 57 (20), 6681, 2012
Partial volume correction in SPECT reconstruction with OSEM
K Erlandsson, B Thomas, J Dickson, BF Hutton
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2011
In vivo N-Methyl-d-Aspartate receptor (NMDAR) density as assessed using positron emission tomography during recovery from NMDAR-antibody encephalitis
M Galovic, A Al-Diwani, U Vivekananda, MC Walker, SR Irani, MJ Koepp, ...
JAMA neurology 80 (2), 211-213, 2023
Operationalising the Centiloid Scale for [18F]florbetapir PET Studies on PET/MR
W Coath, M Modat, MJ Cardoso, P Markiewicz, CA Lane, TD Parker, ...
medRxiv, 2022.02. 11.22270590, 2022
Sub-clinical abnormalities detected by PET/MRI in household tuberculosis contacts
JS Molton, BA Thomas, Y Pang, LK Khor, J Hallinan, CM Naftalin, ...
BMC infectious diseases 19 (1), 1-7, 2019
A comparison of 18F-FDG PET/MR with PET/CT in pulmonary tuberculosis
BA Thomas, JS Molton, F Leek, Y Pang, JJ Totman, NI Paton, ...
Nuclear Medicine Communications 38 (11), 971-978, 2017
Validation and application of PET-SORTEO for the geometry of the Siemens mMR scanner
A Reilhac, T Sjoholm, BA Thomas, Z Irace, I Mérida, M Villen, J Redouté, ...
Poster presented at: PSMR Conference, 2016
Validation of SPECT-CT image reconstruction for the Mediso AnyScan SCP scanner in STIR
D Deidda, BA Thomas, K Ferreira, W Heetun, A Forgács, BF Hutton, ...
2019 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC …, 2020
Improved brain PET quantification using partial volume correction techniques
BA Thomas
UCL (University College London), 2012
Implementation of Image Reconstruction for GE SIGNA PET/MR PET Data in the STIR Library
P Wadhwa, K Thielemans, N Efthimiou, O Bertolli, E Emond, BA Thomas, ...
2018 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference …, 2018
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Articles 1–20