Weng, Yiwei (翁毅伟)
Weng, Yiwei (翁毅伟)
其他姓名Yiwei Weng, Yi Wei Weng, Weng Yi Wei, Yi-Wei Weng,
Assistant Professor, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
在 polyu.edu.hk 的电子邮件经过验证 - 首页
Large-scale 3D printing by a team of mobile robots
X Zhang, M Li, JH Lim, Y Weng, YWD Tay, H Pham, QC Pham
Automation in Construction 95, 98-106, 2018
Design 3D printing cementitious materials via Fuller Thompson theory and Marson-Percy model
Y Weng, M Li, MJ Tan, S Qian
Construction and Building Materials 163, Pages 600–610, 2018
A Systematical Review of 3D Printable Cementitious Materials
B Lu, Y Weng, M Li, Y Qian, KF Leong, MJ Tang, S Qian
Construction and Building materials, 2019
Comparative economic, environmental and productivity assessment of a concrete bathroom unit fabricated through 3D printing and a precast approach
Y Weng, M Li, S Ruan, TN Wong, MJ Tan, KLO Yeong, S Qian
Journal of Cleaner Production, 121245, 2020
Mixture Design Approach to optimize the rheological properties of the material used in 3D cementitious material printing
Z Liu, M Li, Y Weng, TN Wong, MJ Tan
Construction and Building Materials 198, 245-255, 2019
The use of microbial induced carbonate precipitation in healing cracks within reactive magnesia cement-based blends
S Ruan, J Qiu, Y Weng, Y Yang, EH Yang, J Chu, C Unluer
Cement and Concrete Research, 2019
Feasibility study on sustainable magnesium potassium phosphate cement paste for 3D printing
Y Weng, S Ruan, M Li, C Unluer, L Mo, MJ Tang, S Qian
Construction and Building materials, 2019
Sustainable high strength, high ductility engineered cementitious composites (ECC) with substitution of cement by rice husk ash
Z Zhang, S Liu, F Yang, Y Weng, S Qian
Journal of Cleaner Production 317, 128379, 2021
Investigation of interlayer adhesion of 3D printable cementitious material from the aspect of printing process
Y Weng, M Li, D Zhang, MJ Tan, S Qian
Cement and Concrete Research, 2021
Empirical models to predict rheological properties of fiber reinforced cementitious composites for 3D printing
Y Weng, B Lu, M Li, Z Liu, MJ Tan, S Qian
Construction and Building Materials 189, 676-685, 2018
Effect of natural fibers on thermal spalling resistance of ultra-high performance concrete
D Zhang, KH Tan, A Dasari, Y Weng
Cement and Concrete Composites, 103512, 2020
Designing Spray-based 3D Printable Cementitious Materials with Fly Ash Cenosphere and Air Entraining Agent
B Lu, Y Qian, M Li, Y Weng, KF Leong, MJ Tang, S Qian
Construction and Building materials, 2019
Printability and fire performance of a developed 3D printable fibre reinforced cementitious composites under elevated temperatures
Y Weng, M Li, Z Liu, W Lao, B Lu, D Zhang, MJ Tan
Virtual and Physical Prototyping 14 (3), 284-292, 2019
3D printing of curved concrete surfaces using Adaptable Membrane Formwork
JH Lim, Y Weng, QC Pham
Construction and Building Materials 232, 117075, 2020
A brief review of the shape memory phenomena in polymers and their typical sensor applications
L Sun, TX Wang, HM Chen, AV Salvekar, BS Naveen, Q Xu, Y Weng, ...
Polymers 11 (6), 1049, 2019
Modelling and parameter optimization for filament deformation in 3D cementitious material printing using support vector machine
Z Liu, M Li, Y Weng, Y Qian, TN Wong, MJ Tan
Composites Part B: Engineering, 108018, 2020
Synchronized concrete and bonding agent deposition system for interlayer bond strength enhancement in 3D concrete printing
Y Weng, M Li, TN Wong, MJ Tan
Automation in Construction 123, 103546, 2021
Additive Manufacturing in the Construction Industry: The Comparative Competitiveness of 3D Concrete Printing
SH Khajavi, M Tetik, A Mohite, A Peltokorpi, M Li, Y Weng, J Holmström
Applied Sciences 11 (9), 3865, 2021
Effect of spatial distribution of polymer fibers on preventing spalling of UHPC at high temperatures
D Zhang, Y Zhang, A Dasari, KH Tan, Y Weng
Cement and Concrete Research 140, 106281, 2021
Study of MgO-activated slag as a cementless material for sustainable spray-based 3D printing
B Lu, W Zhu, Y Weng, Z Liu, EH Yang, KF Leong, MJ Tan, TN Wong, ...
Journal of Cleaner Production 258, 120671, 2020
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