Ahmed F Ghoniem
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Cited by
Oxy-fuel combustion of pulverized coal: Characterization, fundamentals, stabilization and CFD modeling
L Chen, SZ Yong, AF Ghoniem
Progress in energy and combustion science 38 (2), 156-214, 2012
Response of a laminar premixed flame to flow oscillations: A kinematic model and thermoacoustic instability results
M Fleifil, AM Annaswamy, ZA Ghoneim, AF Ghoniem
Combustion and flame 106 (4), 487-510, 1996
A computational model for the rise and dispersion of wind-blown, buoyancy-driven plumes—I. Neutrally stratified atmosphere
X Zhang, AF Ghoniem
Atmospheric Environment. Part A. General Topics 27 (15), 2295-2311, 1993
Needs, resources and climate change: Clean and efficient conversion technologies
AF Ghoniem
Progress in energy and combustion science 37 (1), 15-51, 2011
Fuel flexibility, stability and emissions in premixed hydrogen-rich gas turbine combustion: Technology, fundamentals, and numerical simulations
S Taamallah, K Vogiatzaki, FM Alzahrani, EMA Mokheimer, MA Habib, ...
Applied energy 154, 1020-1047, 2015
Analysis of oxy-fuel combustion power cycle utilizing a pressurized coal combustor
J Hong, G Chaudhry, JG Brisson, R Field, M Gazzino, AF Ghoniem
Energy 34 (9), 1332-1340, 2009
Numerical modelling of turbulent flow in a combustion tunnel
AF Ghoniem, AJ Chorin, AK Oppenheim
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A …, 1982
Biomass torrefaction: Modeling of volatile and solid product evolution kinetics
RB Bates, AF Ghoniem
Bioresource technology 124, 460-469, 2012
Flame macrostructures, combustion instability and extinction strain scaling in swirl-stabilized premixed CH4/H2 combustion
SJ Shanbhogue, YS Sanusi, S Taamallah, MA Habib, EMA Mokheimer, ...
Combustion and Flame 163, 494-507, 2016
Fundamentals of electro-and thermochemistry in the anode of solid-oxide fuel cells with hydrocarbon and syngas fuels
J Hanna, WY Lee, Y Shi, AF Ghoniem
Progress in energy and combustion science 40, 74-111, 2014
Mechanism of instabilities in turbulent combustion leading to flashback
JO Keller, L Vaneveld, D Korschelt, GL Hubbard, AF Ghoniem, JW Daily, ...
Aiaa Journal 20 (2), 254-262, 1982
Active control of combustion instability: Theory and practice
AM Annaswamy, AF Ghoniem
IEEE Control Systems Magazine 22 (6), 37-54, 2002
Grid-free simulation of diffusion using random walk methods
AF Ghoniem, FS Sherman
Journal of Computational Physics 61 (1), 1-37, 1985
Operating pressure dependence of the pressurized oxy-fuel combustion power cycle
J Hong, R Field, M Gazzino, AF Ghoniem
Energy 35 (12), 5391-5399, 2010
A review of recent developments in carbon capture utilizing oxy‐fuel combustion in conventional and ion transport membrane systems
MA Habib, HM Badr, SF Ahmed, R Ben‐Mansour, K Mezghani, ...
International Journal of Energy Research 35 (9), 741-764, 2011
Numerical study of a three-dimensional vortex method
OM Knio, AF Ghoniem
Journal of Computational Physics 86 (1), 75-106, 1990
Upgrading and desulfurization of heavy oils by supercritical water
MT Timko, AF Ghoniem, WH Green
The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 96, 114-123, 2015
Thermo-acoustic instabilities in lean premixed swirl-stabilized combustion and their link to acoustically coupled and decoupled flame macrostructures
S Taamallah, ZA LaBry, SJ Shanbhogue, AF Ghoniem
Proceedings of the combustion institute 35 (3), 3273-3282, 2015
Large eddy simulations of coal gasification in an entrained flow gasifier
N Abani, AF Ghoniem
Fuel 104, 664-680, 2013
Flame–vortex interaction driven combustion dynamics in a backward-facing step combustor
HM Altay, RL Speth, DE Hudgins, AF Ghoniem
Combustion and Flame 156 (5), 1111-1125, 2009
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Articles 1–20