Emanuele Caglioti
Emanuele Caglioti
Professor of Mathematical Physics at Sapienza University, Roma
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A special class of stationary flows for two-dimensional Euler equations: a statistical mechanics description
E Caglioti, PL Lions, C Marchioro, M Pulvirenti
Communications in Mathematical physics 143 (3), 501-525, 1992
Language trees and zipping
D Benedetto, E Caglioti, V Loreto
Physical review letters 88 (4), 048702, 2002
Sharp transition towards shared vocabularies in multi-agent systems
A Baronchelli, M Felici, V Loreto, E Caglioti, L Steels
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2006 (06), P06014, 2006
A special class of stationary flows for two-dimensional Euler equations: a statistical mechanics description. Part II
E Caglioti, PL Lions, C Marchioro, M Pulvirenti
Communications in Mathematical Physics 174 (2), 229-260, 1995
A kinetic equation for granular media
D Benedetto, E Caglioti, M Pulvirenti
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 31 (5), 615-641, 1997
A non-Maxwellian steady distribution for one-dimensional granular media
D Benedetto, E Caglioti, JA Carrillo, M Pulvirenti
Journal of statistical physics 91, 979-990, 1998
A “Tetris-like” model for the compaction of dry granular media
E Caglioti, V Loreto, HJ Herrmann, M Nicodemi
Physical Review Letters 79 (8), 1575, 1997
On the complete phase synchronization for the Kuramoto model in the mean-field limit
D Benedetto, E Caglioti, U Montemagno
arXiv preprint arXiv:1407.6551, 2014
Time asymptotics for solutions of Vlasov–Poisson equation in a circle
E Caglioti, C Maffei
Journal of statistical physics 92 (1), 301-323, 1998
A plagiarism detection procedure in three steps: selection, matches and squares
C Basile, D Benedetto, E Caglioti, G Cristadoro, MD Esposti
Proc. SEPLN, 19-23, 2009
Limitations to all-optical switching using nonlinear couplers in the presence of linear and nonlinear absorption and saturation
E Caglioti, S Trillo, S Wabnitz, GI Stegeman
JOSA B 5 (2), 472-482, 1988
Finite-dimensional description of nonlinear pulse propagation in optical-fiber couplers with applications to soliton switching
E Caglioti, S Trillo, S Wabnitz, B Crosignani, P Di Porto
JOSA B 7 (3), 374-385, 1990
Power‐dependent switching in a coherent nonlinear directional coupler in the presence of saturation
E Caglioti, S Trillo, S Wabnitz, B Daino, GI Stegeman
Applied physics letters 51 (5), 293-295, 1987
Data compression and learning in time sequences analysis
A Puglisi, D Benedetto, E Caglioti, V Loreto, A Vulpiani
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 180 (1-2), 92-107, 2003
On the Boltzmann-Grad limit for the two dimensional periodic Lorentz gas
E Caglioti, F Golse
Journal of Statistical Physics 141, 264-317, 2010
On the motion of a vortex ring with a sharply concentrated vorticity
D Benedetto, E Caglioti, C Marchioro
Mathematical methods in the applied sciences 23 (2), 147-168, 2000
Segregation of granular mixtures in the presence of compaction
E Caglioti, A Coniglio, HJ Herrmann, V Loreto, M Nicodemi
Europhysics Letters 43 (5), 591, 1998
An example of mathematical authorship attribution
C Basile, D Benedetto, E Caglioti, MD Esposti
Journal of Mathematical Physics 49 (12), 2008
On the distribution of free path lengths for the periodic Lorentz gas III
E Caglioti, F Golse
Communications in mathematical physics 236, 199-221, 2003
The Vlasov equation with infinite mass
E Caglioti, S Caprino, C Marchioro, M Pulvirenti
Archive for rational mechanics and analysis 159, 85-108, 2001
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Articles 1–20