Paul Wiecki
Paul Wiecki
Nature Communications
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Basis light-front quantization approach to positronium
P Wiecki, Y Li, X Zhao, P Maris, JP Vary
Physical Review D 91 (10), 105009, 2015
Competing magnetic fluctuations in iron pnictide superconductors: role of ferromagnetic spin correlations revealed by NMR
P Wiecki, B Roy, DC Johnston, SL Bud’ko, PC Canfield, Y Furukawa
Physical Review Letters 115 (13), 137001, 2015
Persistent correlation between superconductivity and antiferromagnetic fluctuations near a nematic quantum critical point in
P Wiecki, K Rana, AE Böhmer, Y Lee, SL Bud'ko, PC Canfield, ...
Physical Review B 98 (2), 020507, 2018
NMR evidence for static local nematicity and its cooperative interplay with low-energy magnetic fluctuations in FeSe under pressure
P Wiecki, M Nandi, AE Böhmer, SL Bud'ko, PC Canfield, Y Furukawa
Physical Review B 96 (18), 180502, 2017
Coexistence of antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic spin correlations in revealed by and NMR
P Wiecki, V Ogloblichev, A Pandey, DC Johnston, Y Furukawa
Physical Review B 91 (22), 220406, 2015
Bound state calculations in QED and QCD using basis light-front quantization
P Maris, P Wiecki, Y Li, X Zhao, JP Vary
Acta Phys. Polon. Supp 6, 321, 2013
Thermodynamic signatures of short-range magnetic correlations in
K Willa, F Hardy, D Aoki, D Li, P Wiecki, G Lapertot, C Meingast
Physical Review B 104 (20), 205107, 2021
Elastoresistivity in the incommensurate charge density wave phase of BaNi2(As1−xPx)2
M Frachet, P Wiecki, T Lacmann, SM Souliou, K Willa, C Meingast, ...
npj Quantum Materials 7 (1), 115, 2022
Emerging symmetric strain response and weakening nematic fluctuations in strongly hole-doped iron-based superconductors
P Wiecki, M Frachet, AA Haghighirad, T Wolf, C Meingast, R Heid, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 4824, 2021
Volovik effect and Fermi-liquid behavior in the -wave superconductor NMR-NQR measurements
QP Ding, P Wiecki, VK Anand, NS Sangeetha, Y Lee, DC Johnston, ...
Physical Review B 93 (14), 140502, 2016
Dominant In-Plane Symmetric Elastoresistance in
P Wiecki, AA Haghighirad, F Weber, M Merz, R Heid, AE Böhmer
Physical review letters 125 (18), 187001, 2020
Edwards-Anderson parameter and local Ising nematicity in FeSe revealed via NMR spectral broadening
P Wiecki, R Zhou, MH Julien, AE Böhmer, J Schmalian
Physical Review B 104 (12), 125134, 2021
Impact of nematicity on the relationship between antiferromagnetic fluctuations and superconductivity in under pressure
K Rana, L Xiang, P Wiecki, RA Ribeiro, GG Lesseux, AE Böhmer, ...
Physical Review B 101 (18), 180503, 2020
Pressure dependence of coherence-incoherence crossover behavior in observed by resistivity and -NMR/NQR
P Wiecki, V Taufour, DY Chung, MG Kanatzidis, SL Bud'Ko, PC Canfield, ...
Physical Review B 97 (6), 064509, 2018
Coexistence of antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic spin correlations in revealed by nuclear magnetic resonance
J Cui, P Wiecki, S Ran, SL Bud'ko, PC Canfield, Y Furukawa
Physical Review B 94 (17), 174512, 2016
Non-perturbative calculation of the positronium mass spectrum in basis light-front quantization
P Wiecki, Y Li, X Zhao, P Maris, JP Vary
Few-Body Systems 56, 489-494, 2015
Introduction to basis light-front quantization approach to QCD bound state problems
Y Li, PW Wiecki, X Zhao, P Maris, JP Vary
arXiv preprint arXiv:1311.2980, 2013
see these Proceedings
Y Li, PW Wiecki, X Zhao, P Maris, JP Vary
Let there be lumens
PW Wiecki
Nature Physics 20 (6), 1036-1036, 2024
Evolution of nematic fluctuations in CaK(FeNi)As with spin-vortex crystal magnetic order
AE Böhmer, F Chen, WR Meier, M Xu, G Drachuck, M Merz, PW Wiecki, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2011.13207, 2020
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Articles 1–20