Vishal Maingi
Vishal Maingi
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Cited by
Dendrimer building toolkit: Model building and characterization of various dendrimer architectures
V Maingi, V Jain, PV Bharatam, PK Maiti
Journal of Computational Chemistry, 2012
PAMAM dendrimer–drug interactions: effect of pH on the binding and release pattern
V Maingi, MVS Kumar, PK Maiti
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 116 (14), 4370-4376, 2012
Stability and dynamics of membrane-spanning DNA nanopores
V Maingi, JR Burns, JJ Uusitalo, S Howorka, SJ Marrink, MSP Sansom
Nature Communications 8 (1), 14784, 2017
Efficient dendrimer–DNA complexation and gene delivery vector properties of nitrogen-core poly (propyl ether imine) dendrimer in mammalian cells
A Lakshminarayanan, VK Ravi, R Tatineni, Y Rajesh, V Maingi, KS Vasu, ...
Bioconjugate Chemistry 24 (9), 1612-1623, 2013
Gating-like motions and wall porosity in a DNA nanopore scaffold revealed by molecular simulations
V Maingi, M Lelimousin, S Howorka, MSP Sansom
ACS nano 9 (11), 11209-11217, 2015
Molecular dynamics simulations of PPI dendrimer–drug complexes
V Jain, V Maingi, PK Maiti, PV Bharatam
Soft Matter 9 (28), 6482-6496, 2013
Molecular structure of the discotic liquid crystalline phase of hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronene/oligothiophene hybrid and their charge transport properties
S Bag, V Maingi, PK Maiti, J Yelk, MA Glaser, DM Walba, NA Clark
The Journal of Chemical Physics 143 (14), 2015
Properties of DNA-and protein-scaffolded lipid nanodiscs
V Maingi, PWK Rothemund
ACS nano 15 (1), 751-764, 2020
Digital nanoreactors to control absolute stoichiometry and spatiotemporal behavior of DNA receptors within lipid bilayers
V Maingi, Z Zhang, C Thachuk, N Sarraf, ER Chapman, PWK Rothemund
Nature Communications 14 (1), 1532, 2023
Digital nanoreactors for control over absolute stoichiometry and spatiotemporal behavior of receptors within lipid bilayers
V Maingi, Z Zhang, C Thachuk, N Sarraf, ER Chapman, PWK Rothemund
bioRxiv, 2022
DNA nanotubes and their interaction with membranes: insights through multiscale molecular dynamics simulations
V Maingi
University of Oxford, 2016
Systems and Methods for Assessment of Lipid Membrane-Associated Molecule Kinetics, Dynamics, and Interactions
V Maingi
US Patent App. 18/486,054, 2024
Scalable method for concentration and purification of DNA origami …, 0
Polymer and Dendrimer Builder Toolkit (version3) with Ambertools19
V Maingi, 0
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Articles 1–14