Morgan Gustison
Morgan Gustison
Assistant Professor, Western University
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Acoustic sequences in non‐human animals: a tutorial review and prospectus
A Kershenbaum, DT Blumstein, MA Roch, Ç Akçay, G Backus, MA Bee, ...
Biological Reviews 91 (1), 13-52, 2016
Derived vocalizations of geladas (Theropithecus gelada) and the evolution of vocal complexity in primates
ML Gustison, A le Roux, TJ Bergman
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 367 …, 2012
Gelada vocal sequences follow Menzerath’s linguistic law
ML Gustison, S Semple, R Ferrer-i-Cancho, TJ Bergman
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (19), E2750-E2758, 2016
Linguistic laws in biology
S Semple, R Ferrer-i-Cancho, ML Gustison
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 37 (1), 53-66, 2022
A survey of the context and structure of high-and low-amplitude calls in mammals
ML Gustison, SW Townsend
Animal Behaviour 105, 281-288, 2015
A neuroscientist's guide to the vole
WM Kenkel, ML Gustison, AK Beery
Current Protocols 1 (6), e175, 2021
The speech-like properties of nonhuman primate vocalizations
TJ Bergman, JC Beehner, MC Painter, ML Gustison
Animal Behaviour 151, 229-237, 2019
Vocal complexity influences female responses to gelada male calls
ML Gustison, TJ Bergman
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 19680, 2016
Flibanserin and 8-OH-DPAT implicate serotonin in association between female marmoset monkey sexual behavior and changes in pair-bond quality
Y Aubert, ML Gustison, LA Gardner, MA Bohl, JR Lange, KA Allers, ...
The journal of sexual medicine 9 (3), 694-707, 2012
Divergent acoustic properties of gelada and baboon vocalizations and their implications for the evolution of human speech
ML Gustison, TJ Bergman
Journal of Language Evolution 2 (1), 20-36, 2017
An experimental study of behavioural coping strategies in free-ranging female Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus)
ML Gustison, A MacLarnon, S Wiper, S Semple
Stress 15 (6), 608-617, 2012
The social functions of complex vocal sequences in wild geladas
ML Gustison, E Tinsley Johnson, JC Beehner, TJ Bergman
Behavioral ecology and sociobiology 73, 1-12, 2019
Dominance style is a key predictor of vocal use and evolution across nonhuman primates
E Kavanagh, SE Street, FO Angwela, TJ Bergman, MB Blaszczyk, LM Bolt, ...
Royal Society Open Science 8 (7), 210873, 2021
Shannon entropy as a robust estimator of Zipf's Law in animal vocal communication repertoires
A Kershenbaum, V Demartsev, DE Gammon, E Geffen, ML Gustison, ...
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 12 (3), 553-564, 2021
Vocal and locomotor coordination develops in association with the autonomic nervous system
ML Gustison, JI Borjon, DY Takahashi, AA Ghazanfar
Elife 8, e41853, 2019
Individual differences in social attachment: A multi‐disciplinary perspective
ML Gustison, SM Phelps
Genes, Brain and Behavior 21 (3), e12792, 2022
Age and reproductive status influence dominance in wild female Phayre's leaf monkeys
A Lu, C Borries, ML Gustison, E Larney, A Koenig
Animal Behaviour 117, 145-153, 2016
Extragroup paternity in gelada monkeys, Theropithecus gelada, at Guassa, Ethiopia and a comparison with other primates
CM Miller, N Snyder-Mackler, N Nguyen, PJ Fashing, J Tung, ...
Animal Behaviour 177, 277-301, 2021
Differences in the expression of cortex-wide neural dynamics are related to behavioral phenotype
CJ MacDowell, BA Briones, MJ Lenzi, ML Gustison, TJ Buschman
Current Biology 34 (6), 1333-1340. e6, 2024
Sexual coordination in a whole-brain map of prairie vole pair bonding
ML Gustison, R Muñoz-Castañeda, P Osten, SM Phelps
Elife 12, RP87029, 2024
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Articles 1–20