Luis Lopez
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Cited by
Experimental evidence, numerics, and theory of vibrational resonance in bistable systems
JP Baltanás, L Lopez, II Blechman, PS Landa, A Zaikin, J Kurths, ...
Physical Review E 67 (6), 066119, 2003
Vibrational resonance in a noise-induced structure
AA Zaikin, L López, JP Baltanás, J Kurths, MAF Sanjuan
Physical Review E 66 (1), 011106, 2002
Applying social network analysis techniques to community-driven libre software projects
L López-Fernández, G Robles, JM Gonzalez-Barahona, I Herraiz
International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering (IJITWE …, 2006
Defining strategies to win in the Internet market
L Lopez, MAF Sanjuan
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 301 (1-4), 512-534, 2001
Self-adapting network topologies in congested scenarios
V Cholvi, V Laderas, L López, A Fernández
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 71 (3 …, 2005
Hierarchical social networks and information flow
L López, JFF Mendes, MAF Sanjuán
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 316 (1-4), 695-708, 2002
WebRTC testing: challenges and practical solutions
B Garcia, F Gortazar, L Lopez-Fernandez, M Gallego, M Paris
IEEE Communications Standards Magazine 1 (2), 36-42, 2017
Practical evaluation of VMAF perceptual video quality for WebRTC applications
B García, L López-Fernández, F Gortázar, M Gallego
Electronics 8 (8), 854, 2019
Perpetuating gender inequality via the internet? An analysis of women’s presence in Spanish online newspapers
R Mateos de Cabo, R Gimeno, M Martínez, L López
Sex roles 70, 57-71, 2014
The network of scientific collaborations within the European framework programme
JA Almendral, JG Oliveira, L López, JFF Mendes, MAF Sanjuan
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 384 (2), 675-683, 2007
A game theoretic comparison of tcp and digital fountain based protocols
L López, A Fernández, V Cholvi
Computer Networks 51 (12), 3413-3426, 2007
Reliably executing tasks in the presence of untrusted entities
A Fernández, L Lopez, A Santos, C Georgiou
2006 25th IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS'06), 39-50, 2006
A model of self‐avoiding random walks for searching complex networks
VM Lopez Millan, V Cholvi, L López, A Fernandez Anta
Networks 60 (2), 71-85, 2012
Performance of random walks in one-hop replication networks
L Rodero-Merino, AF Anta, L López, V Cholvi
Computer Networks 54 (5), 781-796, 2010
Information transfer in chaos-based communication
MS Baptista, L López
Physical Review E 65 (5), 055201, 2002
Turbo-like structures for chaos encoding and decoding
FJ Escribano, S Kozic, L López, MAF Sanjuán, M Hasler
IEEE Transactions on Communications 57 (3), 597-601, 2009
Chaos-coded modulations over Rician and Rayleigh flat fading channels
FJ Escribano, L López, MAF Sanjuan
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 55 (6), 581-585, 2008
Channel coding in communications using chaos
IP Mariño, L López, MAF Sanjuán
Physics Letters A 295 (4), 185-191, 2002
A mathematical model for the TCP tragedy of the commons
L López, G del Rey Almansa, S Paquelet, A Fernández
Theoretical Computer Science 343 (1-2), 4-26, 2005
Authentication, authorization, and accounting in webrtc paas infrastructures: The case of kurento
L Lopez-Fernandez, M Gallego, B García, D Fernández-López, FJ Lopez
IEEE Internet Computing 18 (6), 34-40, 2014
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Articles 1–20