Anni-Yasmin Turhan
Cited by
Cited by
Approximation and difference in description logics
S Brandt, R Küsters, AY Turhan
Computing the least common subsumer wrt a background terminology
F Baader, B Sertkaya, AY Turhan
Journal of Applied Logic 5 (3), 392-420, 2007
Exploiting pseudo models for TBox and ABox reasoning in expressive description logics
V Haarslev, R Möller, AY Turhan
Automated Reasoning: First International Joint Conference, IJCAR 2001 Siena …, 2001
A Framework for Semantic-Based Similarity Measures for ELH-Concepts
K Lehmann, AY Turhan
European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence, 307-319, 2012
Race user’s guide and reference manual 1.1
V Haarslev, R Möller, H Schloßstraßse
September, 1999
RACER User'Guide and Reference Manual-Version 1.1
V Haarslev, R Möller, AY Turhan
Computing the least common subsumer wrt a background terminology
F Baader, B Sertkaya, AY Turhan
European Workshop on Logics in Artificial Intelligence, 400-412, 2004
Reasoning in the defeasible description logic—computing standard inferences under rational and relevant semantics
M Pensel, AY Turhan
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 103, 28-70, 2018
Most specific generalizations wrt general EL-TBoxes
B Zarrieß, AY Turhan
Employing description logics in ambient intelligence for modeling and reasoning about complex situations
T Springer, AY Turhan
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments 1 (3), 235-259, 2009
A Practical Approach for Computing Generalization Inferences in EL
R Peñaloza, AY Turhan
Extended Semantic Web Conference, 410-423, 2011
Description logic reasoning for semantic web ontologies
AY Turhan
Proceedings of the International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and …, 2011
DIG 2.0–towards a flexible interface for description logic reasoners
AY Turhan, S Bechhofer, A Kaplunova, T Liebig, M Luther, R Möller, ...
Proc. of the OWL Experiences and Directions Workshop at the ISWC 6, 2006
Using non-standard inferences in description logics—what does it buy me
S Brandt, AY Turhan
Proc. of KI-2001 Workshop on Applications of Description Logics (KIDLWS’01) 44, 2001
RACER User’s Guide and Reference Manual: Version 1.7. 6
V Haarslev, R Möller
Concordia University and University of Applied Sciences in Wedel, Montreal …, 2002
On the problem of computing small representations of least common subsumers
F Baader, AY Turhan
KI 2002: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 25th Annual German Conference …, 2002
Pushing doors for modeling contexts with OWL DL-a case study
AY Turhan, T Springer, M Berger
Fourth Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and …, 2006
Similarity-based relaxed instance queries
A Ecke, R Peñaloza, AY Turhan
Journal of Applied Logic 13 (4), 480-508, 2015
Implementing completion-based inferences for the EL-family
J Mendez, A Ecke, AY Turhan
Proc. 24th Int. Workshop on Description Logics (DL’11) 745, 334-344, 2011
Including quantification in defeasible reasoning for the description logic
M Pensel, AY Turhan
International Conference on Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning, 78-84, 2017
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Articles 1–20