Sudath R. Munasinghe
Sudath R. Munasinghe
Professor, University of Moratuwa, Visiting Scientist, Cornell University
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Modelling, simulation and implementation of a quadrotor UAV
H Fernando, ATA De Silva, MDC De Zoysa, K Dilshan, SR Munasinghe
2013 IEEE 8th International conference on industrial and information systems …, 2013
Improved state estimation in quadrotor mavs: A novel drift-free velocity estimator
D Abeywardena, S Kodagoda, G Dissanayake, R Munasinghe
IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine 20 (4), 32-39, 2013
Adaptive neurofuzzy controller to regulate UTSG water level in nuclear power plants
SR Munasinghe, MS Kim, JJ Lee
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 52 (1), 421-429, 2005
Controlling a wheelchair by use of EOG signal
S Yathunanthan, LUR Chandrasena, A Umakanthan, V Vasuki, ...
2008 4th International Conference on Information and Automation for …, 2008
Development of a quad-rotor fixed-wing hybrid unmanned aerial vehicle
J kalpa Gunarathna, R Munasinghe
2018 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon), 72-77, 2018
Optimum contouring of industrial robot arms under assigned velocity and torque constraints
SR Munasinghe, M Nakamura, S Goto, N Kyura
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C (Applications and …, 2001
Enhanced contour control of SCARA robot under torque saturation constraint
M Nakamura, SR Munasinghe, S Goto, N Kyura
IEEE/ASME transactions on mechatronics 5 (4), 437-440, 2000
A velocity feedback fuzzy logic controller for stable hovering of a quad rotor UAV
DMW Abeywardena, LAK Amaratunga, SAA Shakoor, SR Munasinghe
2009 International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS …, 2009
Reduced jerk joint space trajectory planning method using 5-3-5 spline for robot manipulators
CD Porawagama, SR Munasinghe
7th International Conference on Information and Automation for …, 2014
Obstacle detection and map building with a rotating ultrasonic range sensor using bayesian combination
S Kodagoda, E Hemachandra, PG Jayasekara, RL Peiris, AC De Silva, ...
2006 International Conference on Information and Automation, 98-103, 2006
An experimental study on using visual odometry for short-run self localization of field robot
L Piyathilaka, R Munasinghe
2010 Fifth International Conference on Information and Automation for …, 2010
Obstacle avoidance using velocity dipole field method
SR Munasinghe, CM Oh, JJ Lee, O Khatib
제어로봇시스템학회: 학술대회논문집, 1657-1661, 2005
High speed precise control of robot arms with assigned speed under torque constraint by trajectory generation in joint co-ordinates
SR Munasinghe, M Nakamura, S Aoki, S Goto, N Kyura
IEEE SMC'99 Conference Proceedings. 1999 IEEE International Conference on …, 1999
Performance analysis of a kalman filter based attitude estimator for a quad rotor uav
DMW Abeywardena, SR Munasinghe
International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control …, 2010
Trajectory planning for industrial robot manipulators considering assigned velocity and allowance under joint acceleration limit
SR Munasinghe, M Nakamura, S Goto, N Kyura
International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems 1 (1), 68-75, 2003
Stability analysis for a twin boom H-tail Medium Scale UAV through simulated dynamic model
PL Kurukularachchi, SR Munasinghe, H De Silva
2016 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon), 415-420, 2016
Design and simulation of a UAV controller system with high maneuverability
W Tennakoon, SR Munasinghe
2008 4th International conference on information and automation for …, 2008
Drone-based autonomous human identification for search and rescue missions in real-time
K Jayalath, SR Munasinghe
2021 10th International Conference on Information and Automation for …, 2021
Semiautonomous low cost wheelchair for elderly and disabled people
J Kuruparan, T Jayanthan, V Ratheeskanth, S Denixavier, ...
2006 International Conference on Information and Automation, 104-108, 2006
Analysis of grasping and slip detection of the human hand
CUS Edussooriya, HSS Hapuachchi, D Rajiv, RAH Ranasinghe, ...
2008 4th international conference on information and automation for …, 2008
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Articles 1–20