Dr. P. R. Sahu
Cited by
Cited by
Performance of QAM signaling over TWDP fading channels
D Dixit, PR Sahu
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 12 (4), 1794-1799, 2013
Performance Analysis of Rectangular QAM With SC Receiver Over Nakagami- Fading Channels
D Dixit, PR Sahu
IEEE communications letters 18 (7), 1262-1265, 2014
Performance of an L-SC Receiver over kappa-mu and eta-mu Fading Channels
R Subadar, TSB Reddy, PR Sahu
2010 IEEE International Conference on Communications, 1-5, 2010
Performance of a L-MRC receiver over equally correlated η-μ fading channels
R Subadar, PR Sahu
IEEE transactions on wireless communications 10 (5), 1351-1355, 2011
Performance of L-branch MRC receiver in η-μ and κ-μ fading channels for QAM signals
D Dixit, PR Sahu
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 1 (4), 316-319, 2012
Analysis, estimation and compensation of hardware impairments for CP-OTFS systems
SG Neelam, PR Sahu
IEEE wireless communications letters 11 (5), 952-956, 2022
RIS assisted dual-hop mixed PLC/RF for smart grid applications
AK Padhan, HK Sahu, PR Sahu, SR Samantaray
IEEE Communications Letters 25 (11), 3523-3527, 2021
Symbol error rate of rectangular QAM with best-relay selection in cooperative systems over Rayleigh fading channels
D Dixit, PR Sahu
IEEE communications letters 16 (4), 466-469, 2012
Performance analysis of dual MRC receiver in correlated Hoyt fading channels
R Subadar, PR Sahu
IEEE communications letters 13 (6), 405-407, 2009
Performance analysis of predetection EGC in exponentially correlated Nakagami-m fading channel
PR Sahu, AK Chaturvedi
IEEE transactions on communications 53 (8), 1252-1256, 2005
Analysis of-PSK With MRC Receiver OverFading Channels With Outdated CSI
P Kumar, PR Sahu
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 3 (6), 557-560, 2014
Performance of multihop communication systems with regenerative relays in eta-mu fading channels
D Dixit, PR Sahu
2014 IEEE 79th vehicular technology conference (VTC Spring), 1-5, 2014
Performance analysis of visible light communication system with imperfect CSI
S Mohapatra, G Satapathy, SP Dash, PR Sahu
IEEE Communications Letters 24 (12), 2844-2848, 2020
Exact Closed-Form ABER for Multi-Hop Regenerative Relay Systems Over Fading
D Dixit, PR Sahu
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 6 (2), 246-249, 2017
Digital compensation of IQ imbalance, DC offset for zero-padded OTFS systems
SG Neelam, PR Sahu
IEEE Communications Letters 26 (10), 2450-2454, 2022
SSK-based SWIPT with AF relay
HK Sahu, PR Sahu
IEEE Communications Letters 23 (4), 756-759, 2019
Performance of smart grid dynamic HAN with RQAM and GMSK modulation
AK Padhan, PR Sahu, SR Samantaray
IEEE Communications Letters 23 (11), 1940-1943, 2019
Performance of multihop detect‐and‐forward relaying system over fluctuating two‐ray fading channels
D Dixit, PR Sahu
Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies 29 (8), e3423, 2018
Performance of dual‐hop DF relaying systems with QAM schemes over mixed ημ and κμ fading channels
D Dixit, PR Sahu
Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies 28 (11), e3179, 2017
Performance of a predetection EGC receiver in Hoyt fading channels for arbitrary number of branches
A Baid, H Fadnavis, PR Sahu
IEEE communications letters 12 (9), 627-629, 2008
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Articles 1–20