Stephen J Carson
Stephen J Carson
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Hedonic and utilitarian motivations for online retail shopping behavior
TL Childers, CL Carr, J Peck, S Carson
Journal of retailing 77 (4), 511-535, 2001
Uncertainty, opportunism, and governance: The effects of volatility and ambiguity on formal and relational contracting
SJ Carson, A Madhok, T Wu
Academy of Management journal 49 (5), 1058-1077, 2006
The effects of positive and negative online customer reviews: do brand strength and category maturity matter?
NN Ho-Dac, SJ Carson, WL Moore
Journal of marketing 77 (6), 37-53, 2013
Information processing moderators of the effectiveness of trust-based governance in interfirm R&D collaboration
SJ Carson, A Madhok, R Varman, G John
Organization science 14 (1), 45-56, 2003
When to give up control of outsourced new product development
SJ Carson
Journal of marketing 71 (1), 49-66, 2007
Extending the firm vs. industry debate: Does industry life cycle stage matter?
EV Karniouchina, SJ Carson, JC Short, DJ Ketchen Jr
Strategic management journal 34 (8), 1010-1018, 2013
Understanding institutional designs within marketing value systems
SJ Carson, TM Devinney, GR Dowling, G John
Journal of Marketing 63 (4_suppl1), 115-130, 1999
Transaction costs, opportunism, and governance: Contextual considerations and future research opportunities
A Rindfleisch, K Antia, J Bercovitz, JR Brown, J Cannon, SJ Carson, ...
Marketing letters 21, 211-222, 2010
A theoretical and empirical investigation of property rights sharing in outsourced research, development, and engineering relationships
SJ Carson, G John
Strategic Management Journal 34 (9), 1065-1085, 2013
Preaching to the choir: The chasm between top-ranked reviewers, mainstream customers, and product sales
E Yazdani, S Gopinath, S Carson
Marketing Science 37 (5), 838-851, 2018
Managing the trade‐off between ambiguity and volatility in new product development
SJ Carson, T Wu, WL Moore
Journal of Product Innovation Management 29 (6), 1061-1081, 2012
Prototypicality advantages for pioneers over me-too brands: the role of evolving product designs
SJ Carson, RD Jewell, C Joiner
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 35, 172-183, 2007
An integrated power and efficiency model of contractual channel governance: Theory and empirical evidence
SJ Carson, M Ghosh
Journal of Marketing 83 (4), 101-120, 2019
Women and minority film directors in Hollywood: Performance implications of product development and distribution biases
EV Karniouchina, SJ Carson, C Theokary, L Rice, S Reilly
Journal of Marketing Research 60 (1), 25-51, 2023
History matters: the impact of online customer reviews across product generations
L Li, S Gopinath, SJ Carson
Management Science 68 (5), 3878-3903, 2022
Industry conditions, market share, and the firm’s ability to derive business-line profitability from diverse technological portfolios
JD Hoskins, SJ Carson
Journal of Business Research 149, 178-192, 2022
Preliminary results on the determinants of technology assisted shopping: a model, measure development and validation
S Carson, J Peck, T Childers
Proceedings of the AMA Winter Educators’ Conference, 229-39, 1996
A note on revenue versus profitability as indicators of motion picture performance
E Karniouchina, S Carson, WL Moore
Available at SSRN 1712088, 2010
Managing creativity and innovation in high-technology interfirm relationships
SJ Carson
University of Minnesota, 2000
The Varying Returns to Diversification Along the Value Chain
E Karniouchina, SJ Carson, WL Moore, KR Sarangee, C Uslay
Strategy Science 8 (1), 44-61, 2023
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