Sriteja Gone
Sriteja Gone
Master’s of Science (MS) Arizona State University
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Cited by
Adding intelligence to the robotic coconut tree climber
RK Megalingam, R Gangireddy, G Sriteja, A Kashyap, AS Ganesh
2017 International Conference on Inventive Computing and Informatics (ICICI …, 2017
Color and Contour Based Identification of Stem of Coconut Bunch
RK Megalingam, SK Manoharan, RG Reddy, G Sriteja, A Kashyap
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 225 (1), 012205, 2017
Performance Evaluation of SIFT & FLANN and HAAR Cascade Image Processing Algorithms for Object Identification in Robotic Applications
M Rajesh Kannan, G Sriteja, A Kashyap, KGS Apuroop, G Vamsy Vivek, ...
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (IJPAM) 118 (No. 18 …, 2018
Wearable arm robot steering (WARS) device for robotic arm control used in unmanned robotic coconut tree climber and harvester
RK Megalingam, S Bandyopadhyay, VV Gedala, KGS Apuroop, G Sriteja, ...
Applications of Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Engineering: SIGMA …, 2019
Balavani—A comic website for kids to teach education for life
RK Megalingam, GS Apuroop, V Vivek, G Sriteja, A Kashyap
2017 International Conference on Inventive Computing and Informatics (ICICI …, 2017
Evaluation of Human Intervention-Based Hybrid Approach for Position and Depth Estimation With Error Correction
RK Megalingam, AK Nellutla, S Gone, SK Manoharan, SM Mohandas, ...
IEEE Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 45 (1), 88-98, 2021
Ezazur Rahman, 931
AV Fomin, G Srujan, G Tharwat, C Ganesh Babu, G Reddy, GS Apuroop, ...
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