Chaker Abdelaziz KERRACHE
Chaker Abdelaziz KERRACHE
Université Amar Telidji de Laghouat
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Cited by
Trust management for vehicular networks: An adversary-oriented overview
CA Kerrache, CT Calafate, JC Cano, N Lagraa, P Manzoni
IEEE Access 4, 9293-9307, 2016
The case of HyperLedger Fabric as a blockchain solution for healthcare applications
MS Antwi, A Adnane, F Ahmad, R Hussain, MH ur Rehman, CA Kerrache
Blockchain: Research and Applications 2 (1), 100012, 2021
TFDD: A trust-based framework for reliable data delivery and DoS defense in VANETs
CA Kerrache, N Lagraa, CT Calafate, A Lakas
Vehicular Communications 9, 254-267, 2017
T-VNets: A novel trust architecture for vehicular networks using the standardized messaging services of ETSI ITS
CA Kerrache, N Lagraa, CT Calafate, JC Cano, P Manzoni
Computer Communications 93, 68-83, 2016
TACASHI: Trust-aware communication architecture for social internet of vehicles
CA Kerrache, N Lagraa, R Hussain, SH Ahmed, A Benslimane, ...
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 6 (4), 5870-5877, 2018
UAV-assisted technique for the detection of malicious and selfish nodes in VANETs
CA Kerrache, A Lakas, N Lagraa, E Barka
Vehicular Communications 11, 1-11, 2018
Notrino: A novel hybrid trust management scheme for internet-of-vehicles
F Ahmad, F Kurugollu, CA Kerrache, S Sezer, L Liu
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 70 (9), 9244-9257, 2021
A new machine learning-based collaborative DDoS mitigation mechanism in software-defined network
SS Mohammed, R Hussain, O Senko, B Bimaganbetov, JY Lee, ...
2018 14th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing …, 2018
Towards a trusted unmanned aerial system using blockchain for the protection of critical infrastructure
E Barka, CA Kerrache, H Benkraouda, K Shuaib, F Ahmad, F Kurugollu
Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies 33 (8), e3706, 2022
On the design and implementation of a secure blockchain-based hybrid framework for Industrial Internet-of-Things
G Rathee, F Ahmad, R Sandhu, CA Kerrache, MA Azad
Information Processing & Management 58 (3), 102526, 2021
GeoUAVs: A new geocast routing protocol for fleet of UAVs
FZ Bousbaa, CA Kerrache, Z Mahi, AEK Tahari, N Lagraa, MB Yagoubi
Computer Communications 149, 259-269, 2020
Blockchain in internet-of-things: Architecture, applications and research directions
F Ahmad, Z Ahmad, CA Kerrache, F Kurugollu, A Adnane, E Barka
2019 International conference on computer and information sciences (ICCIS), 1-6, 2019
Secure and privacy-aware incentives-based witness service in social internet of vehicles clouds
R Hussain, D Kim, J Son, J Lee, CA Kerrache, A Benslimane, H Oh
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 5 (4), 2441-2448, 2018
A trusted lightweight communication strategy for flying named data networking
E Barka, CA Kerrache, R Hussain, N Lagraa, A Lakas, SH Bouk
Sensors 18 (8), 2683, 2018
MADCR: Mobility aware dynamic clustering-based routing protocol in Internet of Vehicles
S Sennan, S Ramasubbareddy, S Balasubramaniyam, A Nayyar, ...
China Communications 18 (7), 69-85, 2021
STHM: A secured and trusted healthcare monitoring architecture using SDN and Blockchain
E Barka, S Dahmane, CA Kerrache, M Khayat, F Sallabi
Electronics 10 (15), 1787, 2021
NOTA: a novel online teaching and assessment scheme using Blockchain for emergency cases
A Cheriguene, T Kabache, CA Kerrache, CT Calafate, JC Cano
Education and Information Technologies 27 (1), 115-132, 2022
Software defined network-based multi-access edge framework for vehicular networks
L Nkenyereye, L Nkenyereye, SMR Islam, CA Kerrache, ...
IEEE Access 8, 4220-4234, 2019
Realization of blockchain in named data networking-based internet-of-vehicles
F Ahmad, CA Kerrache, F Kurugollu, R Hussain
IT Professional 21 (4), 41-47, 2019
UNION: a trust model distinguishing intentional and UNIntentional misbehavior in inter‐UAV communication
E Barka, CA Kerrache, N Lagraa, A Lakas, CT Calafate, JC Cano
Journal of advanced transportation 2018 (1), 7475357, 2018
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Articles 1–20