Kenneth J Chau
Cited by
Cited by
All-angle negative refraction and active flat lensing of ultraviolet light
T Xu, A Agrawal, M Abashin, KJ Chau, HJ Lezec
Nature 497 (7450), 470-474, 2013
Electron-spin-dependent terahertz light transport in spintronic-plasmonic media
KJ Chau, M Johnson, AY Elezzabi
Physical review letters 98 (13), 133901, 2007
Coherent plasmonic enhanced terahertz transmission through random metallic media
KJ Chau, GD Dice, AY Elezzabi
Physical review letters 94 (17), 173904, 2005
Simulations of radiation pressure experiments narrow down the energy and momentum of light in matter
M Bethune-Waddell, KJ Chau
Reports on Progress in Physics 78 (12), 122401, 2015
Isolated detection of elastic waves driven by the momentum of light
T Požar, J Laloš, A Babnik, R Petkovšek, M Bethune-Waddell, KJ Chau, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 3340, 2018
A gigahertz surface magneto-plasmon optical modulator
KJ Chau, SE Irvine, AY Elezzabi
IEEE journal of quantum electronics 40 (5), 571-579, 2004
Photonic anisotropic magnetoresistance in dense Co particle ensembles
KJ Chau, AY Elezzabi
Physical review letters 96 (3), 033903, 2006
Enhancing the efficiency of slit-coupling to surface-plasmon-polaritons via dispersion engineering
R Mehfuz, MW Maqsood, KJ Chau
Optics Express 18 (17), 18206-18216, 2010
Automated, portable, low-cost bright-field and fluorescence microscope with autofocus and autoscanning capabilities
S Schaefer, SA Boehm, KJ Chau
Applied optics 51 (14), 2581-2588, 2012
Variable focus microscopy using a suspended water droplet
FA Chowdhury, KJ Chau
Journal of Optics 14 (5), 055501, 2012
Revisiting the Balazs thought experiment in the case of a left-handed material: electromagnetic-pulse-induced displacement of a dispersive, dissipative negative-index slab
KJ Chau, HJ Lezec
Optics Express 20 (9), 10138-10162, 2012
Experimental and numerical investigation of terahertz transmission through strongly scattering sub-wavelength size spheres
S Mujumdar, KJ Chau, AY Elezzabi
Applied physics letters 85 (25), 6284-6286, 2004
High-throughput diffraction-assisted surface-plasmon-polariton coupling by a super-wavelength slit
MW Maqsood, R Mehfuz, KJ Chau
Optics express 18 (21), 21669-21677, 2010
Boosting the transparency of thin layers by coatings of opposing susceptibility: how metals help see through dielectrics
MA Shakhs, L Augusto, L Markley, KJ Chau
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 20659, 2016
Effect of interface resistance on terahertz pulses in bimetallic microparticles
KJ Chau, AY Elezzabi
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 73 (8), 085419, 2006
Two-dimensional drift–diffusion analysis of magnetic field enhanced THz emission from semiconductor surfaces
KJ Chau, AY Elezzabi
Optics communications 242 (1-3), 295-304, 2004
Measuring asphaltene deposition onset from crude oils using surface plasmon resonance
VJ Sieben, S Molla, F Mostowfi, CFA Floquet, A Speck, K Chau
Energy & Fuels 31 (6), 5891-5901, 2017
Imaging slit-coupled surface plasmon polaritons using conventional optical microscopy
R Mehfuz, FA Chowdhury, KJ Chau
Optics Express 20 (10), 10526-10537, 2012
Magnetic spin based photonic/plasmonic devices
MB Johnson, A Elezzabi, KJ Chau
US Patent 7,978,394, 2011
A plasmonic random composite with atypical refractive index
AY Elezzabi, KJ Chau, CA Baron, P Maraghechi
Optics Express 17 (2), 1016-1022, 2009
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Articles 1–20