Simon Čopar
Simon Čopar
University of Ljubljana & Jožef Stefan Institute
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Reconfigurable knots and links in chiral nematic colloids
U Tkalec, M Ravnik, S Čopar, S Žumer, I Muševič
Science 333 (6038), 62-65, 2011
Topological zoo of free-standing knots in confined chiral nematic fluids
D Seč, S Čopar, S Žumer
Nature communications 5 (1), 3057, 2014
Points, skyrmions and torons in chiral nematic droplets
G Posnjak, S Čopar, I Muševič
Scientific reports 6 (1), 26361, 2016
Light-controlled topological charge in a nematic liquid crystal
M Nikkhou, M Škarabot, S Čopar, M Ravnik, S Žumer, I Muševič
Nature physics 11 (2), 183-187, 2015
Colloidal entanglement in highly twisted chiral nematic colloids: Twisted loops, Hopf links, and trefoil knots
VSR Jampani, M Škarabot, M Ravnik, S Čopar, S Žumer, I Muševič
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 84 (3 …, 2011
Nematic braids: topological invariants and rewiring of disclinations
S Čopar, S Žumer
Physical review letters 106 (17), 177801, 2011
Exploiting imperfections in the bulk to direct assembly of surface colloids
M Cavallaro Jr, MA Gharbi, DA Beller, S Čopar, Z Shi, T Baumgart, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (47), 18804-18808, 2013
Hidden topological constellations and polyvalent charges in chiral nematic droplets
G Posnjak, S Čopar, I Muševič
Nature communications 8 (1), 14594, 2017
Mosaics of topological defects in micropatterned liquid crystal textures
DS Kim, S Čopar, U Tkalec, DK Yoon
Science Advances 4 (11), eaau8064, 2018
Topology of three-dimensional active nematic turbulence confined to droplets
S Čopar, J Aplinc, Ž Kos, S Žumer, M Ravnik
Physical Review X 9 (3), 031051, 2019
Knot theory realizations in nematic colloids
S Čopar, U Tkalec, I Muševič, S Žumer
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (6), 1675-1680, 2015
Topological defects in cholesteric liquid crystal shells
A Darmon, M Benzaquen, S Čopar, O Dauchot, T Lopez-Leon
Soft Matter 12 (46), 9280-9288, 2016
Three-dimensional active defect loops
J Binysh, Ž Kos, S Čopar, M Ravnik, GP Alexander
Physical review letters 124 (8), 088001, 2020
Microfluidic control over topological states in channel-confined nematic flows
S Čopar, Ž Kos, T Emeršič, U Tkalec
Nature communications 11 (1), 59, 2020
Waltzing route toward double-helix formation in cholesteric shells
A Darmon, M Benzaquen, D Seč, S Čopar, O Dauchot, T Lopez-Leon
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (34), 9469-9474, 2016
Field-controlled structures in ferromagnetic cholesteric liquid crystals
P Medle Rupnik, D Lisjak, M Čopič, S Čopar, A Mertelj
Science Advances 3 (10), e1701336, 2017
Topology and geometry of nematic braids
S Čopar
Physics Reports 538 (1), 1-37, 2014
Geometry of the cholesteric phase
DA Beller, T Machon, S Čopar, DM Sussman, GP Alexander, RD Kamien, ...
Physical Review X 4 (3), 031050, 2014
Sensing surface morphology of biofibers by decorating spider silk and cellulosic filaments with nematic microdroplets
LE Aguirre, A de Oliveira, D Seč, S Čopar, PL Almeida, M Ravnik, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (5), 1174-1179, 2016
Topological switching and orbiting dynamics of colloidal spheres dressed with chiral nematic solitons
T Porenta, S Čopar, PJ Ackerman, MB Pandey, MCM Varney, II Smalyukh, ...
Scientific reports 4 (1), 7337, 2014
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Articles 1–20