Maarit Middleton
Maarit Middleton
Geological Survey of Finland
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Cited by
Ordination and hyperspectral remote sensing approach to classify peatland biotopes along soil moisture and fertility gradients
M Middleton, P Närhi, H Arkimaa, E Hyvönen, V Kuosmanen, P Treitz, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 124, 596-609, 2012
Airborne LiDAR detection of postglacial faults and Pulju moraine in Palojärvi, Finnish Lapland
R Sutinen, E Hyvönen, M Middleton, T Ruskeeniemi
Global and Planetary Change 115, 24-32, 2014
Integrated Object-Based Image Analysis for semi-automated geological lineament detection in southwest England
CM Yeomans, M Middleton, RK Shail, S Grebby, PAJ Lusty
Computers & Geosciences 123, 137-148, 2019
Boosting for mineral prospectivity modeling: A new GIS toolbox
M Brandmeier, IG Cabrera Zamora, V Nykänen, M Middleton
Natural Resources Research 29 (1), 71-88, 2020
Mapping and monitoring peatland conditions from global to field scale
B Minasny, DV Adetsu, M Aitkenhead, RRE Artz, N Baggaley, ...
Biogeochemistry 167 (4), 383-425, 2024
Developing multi-sensor drones for geological mapping and mineral exploration: Setup and first results from the MULSEDRO project
B Heincke, R Jackisch, A Saartenoja, H Salmirinne, S Rapp, ...
GEUS Bulletin 43, 2019
Importance of soil calcium for composition of understory vegetation in boreal forests of Finnish Lapland
P Närhi, M Middleton, N Gustavsson, E Hyvönen, ML Sutinen, R Sutinen
Biogeochemistry 102, 239-249, 2011
Geological lineament interpretation using the object-based image analysis approach: results of semi-automated analyses versus visual interpretation
M Middleton, T Schnur, P Sorjonen-Ward, E Hyvönen
Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 57, 135-154, 2015
Dating of paleolandslides in western Finnish Lapland
AEK Ojala, M Markovaara‐Koivisto, M Middleton, T Ruskeeniemi, ...
Earth surface processes and landforms 43 (11), 2449-2462, 2018
Dielectric constant time stability of glacial till at a clear-cut site
R Sutinen, M Middleton, P Hänninen, S Vartiainen, A Venäläinen, ...
Geoderma 141 (3-4), 311-319, 2007
A machine learning approach to tungsten prospectivity modelling using knowledge-driven feature extraction and model confidence
CM Yeomans, RK Shail, S Grebby, V Nykänen, M Middleton, PAJ Lusty
Geoscience Frontiers 11 (6), 2067-2081, 2020
Advance of Norway spruce (Picea abies) onto mafic Lommoltunturi fell in Finnish Lapland during the last 200 years
R Sutinen, P NÄrhi, M Middleton, P HÄnninen, M Timonen, ML Sutinen
Boreas 41 (3), 367-378, 2012
Glacial geomorphology in Utsjoki, Finnish Lapland proposes Younger Dryas fault-instability
R Sutinen, M Piekkari, M Middleton
Global and Planetary Change 69 (1-2), 16-28, 2009
Assessing the ability to combine hyperspectral imaging (HSI) data with Mineral Liberation Analyzer (MLA) data to characterize phosphate rocks
K Laakso, M Middleton, T Heinig, R Bärs, P Lintinen
International journal of applied earth observation and geoinformation 69, 1-12, 2018
The spatial leave-pair-out cross-validation method for reliable AUC estimation of spatial classifiers
A Airola, J Pohjankukka, J Torppa, M Middleton, V Nykänen, J Heikkonen, ...
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 33, 730-747, 2019
Geological controls on conifer distributions and their implications for forest management in Finnish Lapland
R Sutinen, M Kuoppamaa, E Hyvönen, P Hänninen, M Middleton, ...
Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 22 (6), 476-487, 2007
Detecting terrain stoniness from airborne laser scanning data
P Nevalainen, M Middleton, R Sutinen, J Heikkonen, T Pahikkala
Remote Sensing 8 (9), 720, 2016
Sediment anisotropy coincides with moraine ridge trend in south‐central Finnish Lapland
R Sutinen, M Middleton, P Liwata, M Piekkari, E Hyvönen
Boreas 38 (3), 638-646, 2009
Maaperän yleiskartoitus paikkatietoaineistojen ja–analyysien avulla–uuden alueellisesti kattavan tietovaraston kerääminen. II Maaperätieteiden Päivät 19.-20.11. 2002
R Nevalainen, E Hyvönen, J Lerssi, P Liwata, M Middleton, JP Palmu, ...
Helsingin yliopisto, Soveltavan kemian ja mikrobiologian laitos. Pro Terra …, 2002
Quantification of glacial till chemical composition by reflectance spectroscopy
M Middleton, P Närhi, V Kuosmanen, R Sutinen
Applied geochemistry 26 (12), 2215-2225, 2011
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Articles 1–20