Ling Chang
Cited by
Cited by
Fast statistically homogeneous pixel selection for covariance matrix estimation for multitemporal InSAR
M Jiang, X Ding, RF Hanssen, R Malhotra, L Chang
IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing 53 (3), 1213-1224, 2014
Nationwide railway monitoring using satellite SAR interferometry
L Chang, RPBJ Dollevoet, RF Hanssen
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2016
Detection of cavity migration and sinkhole risk using radar interferometric time series
L Chang, RF Hanssen
Remote sensing of environment 147, 56-64, 2014
A probabilistic approach for InSAR time-series postprocessing
L Chang, RF Hanssen
IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing 54 (1), 421-430, 2015
Structural health monitoring of railway transition zones using satellite radar data
H Wang, L Chang, V Markine
Sensors 18 (2), 413, 2018
Sinkhole occurrence monitoring over shallow abandoned coal mines with satellite-based persistent scatterer interferometry
AA Malinowska, WT Witkowski, R Hejmanowski, L Chang, FJ van Leijen, ...
Engineering geology 262, 105336, 2019
Monitoring line-infrastructure with multisensor SAR interferometry: Products and performance assessment metrics
L Chang, RPBJ Dollevoet, RF Hanssen
IEEE journal of selected topics in applied earth observations and remote …, 2018
Monitoring deformation along railway systems combining multi-temporal InSAR and LiDAR data
F Hu, FJ Leijen, L Chang, J Wu, RF Hanssen
Remote sensing 11 (19), 2298, 2019
Detection of permafrost sensitivity of the Qinghai–Tibet railway using satellite radar interferometry
L Chang, RF Hanssen
International journal of remote sensing 36 (3), 691-700, 2015
Use of LSTM for sinkhole-related anomaly detection and classification of InSAR deformation time series
A Kulshrestha, L Chang, A Stein
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2022
Railway infrastructure monitoring using satellite radar data
L Chang, R Dollevoet, RF Hanssen
Int. J. Railw. Technol 3 (2), 79-91, 2014
Incorporating temporary coherent scatterers in multi-temporal InSAR using adaptive temporal subsets
F Hu, J Wu, L Chang, RF Hanssen
IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing 57 (10), 7658-7670, 2019
Advancing railway track health monitoring: Integrating GPR, InSAR and machine learning for enhanced asset management
M Koohmishi, S Kaewunruen, L Chang, Y Guo
Automation in Construction 162, 105378, 2024
Railway infrastructure classification and instability identification using Sentinel-1 SAR and laser scanning data
L Chang, NP Sakpal, SO Elberink, H Wang
Sensors 20 (24), 7108, 2020
Mode-splitting in a microring resonator for self-referenced biosensing
M De Goede, M Dijkstra, L Chang, N Acharyya, G Kozyreff, R Obregon, ...
Optics express 29 (1), 346-358, 2021
Interferometric synthetic aperture radar statistical inference in deformation measurement and geophysical inversion: a review
C Wang, L Chang, XS Wang, B Zhang, A Stein
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine, 2024
Individual scatterer model learning for satellite interferometry
B Van De Kerkhof, V Pankratius, L Chang, R Van Swol, RF Hanssen
IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing 58 (2), 1273-1280, 2019
Modelling InSAR-derived hillslope velocities with multivariate statistics: A first attempt to generate interpretable predictions
K He, H Tanyas, L Chang, X Hu, G Luo, L Lombardo
Remote Sensing of Environment 289, 113518, 2023
Topography-correlated atmospheric signal mitigation for InSAR applications in the Tibetan plateau based on global atmospheric models
Y Wang, L Chang, W Feng, S Samsonov, W Zheng
International Journal of Remote Sensing 42 (11), 4361-4379, 2021
Monitoring civil infrastructure using satellite radar interferometry
L Chang
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Articles 1–20