Thea van der Geest
Cited by
Cited by
User-centered evaluation of adaptive and adaptable systems: a literature review
L Van Velsen, T Van Der Geest, R Klaassen, M Steehouder
The knowledge engineering review 23 (3), 261-281, 2008
Requirements engineering for e-Government services: A citizen-centric approach and case study
L Van Velsen, T van der Geest, M ter Hedde, W Derks
Government Information Quarterly 26 (3), 477-486, 2009
A cue or two and I'll trust you: Determinants of trust in government organizations in terms of their processing and usage of citizens' personal information disclosed online
A Beldad, T van der Geest, M de Jong, M Steehouder
Government information quarterly 29 (1), 41-49, 2012
Accessible website content guidelines for users with intellectual disabilities
J Karreman, T Van der Geest, E Buursink
Journal of applied research in intellectual disabilities 20 (6), 510-518, 2007
Color matters: Color as trustworthiness cue in web sites
WA Alberts, TM Van Der Geest
Technical communication 58 (2), 149-160, 2011
The tension between user-centred design and e-government services
NP Kotamraju, TM Van Der Geest
Behaviour & Information Technology 31 (3), 261-273, 2012
Web site design is communication design
TM Geest
John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2001
Assessment of communication competencies in engineering design projects
GW Brinkman, TM van der Geest
Technical communication quarterly 12 (1), 67-81, 2003
Characterizing web heuristics
M De Jong, T Van Der Geest
Technical communication 47 (3), 311-326, 2000
Factors explaining adoption and implementation processes for web accessibility standards within eGovernment systems and organizations
EM Velleman, I Nahuis, T van der Geest
Universal access in the information society 16 (1), 173-190, 2017
LEMtool: measuring emotions in visual interfaces
G Huisman, M Van Hout, E Van Dijk, T van Der Geest, D Heylen
Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2013
Developing heuristics for Web communication: An introduction to this special issue
T Van der Geest, JH Spyridakis
Technical communication 47 (3), 301-310, 2000
Shall I tell you where I live and who I am? Factors influencing the behavioral intention to disclose personal data for online government transactions
A Beldad, T van der Geest, M de Jong, M Steehouder
International journal of human-computer interaction 28 (3), 163-177, 2012
The computer as means of communication for peer-review groups
T Van der Geest, T Remmers
Computers and Composition 11 (3), 237-250, 1994
Conveying facial expressions to blind and visually impaired persons through a wearable vibrotactile device
HP Buimer, M Bittner, T Kostelijk, TM Van Der Geest, A Nemri, ...
PloS one 13 (3), e0194737, 2018
The new writing environment: Writers at work in a world of technology
M Sharples, T Van der Geest
Springer Science & Business Media, 2012
Personalization has a Price, Controllability is the Currency: Predictors for the Intention to use Personalized eGovernment Websites
L van Velsen, T van der Geest, L van de Wijngaert, S van Den Berg, ...
Journal of organizational computing and electronic commerce 25 (1), 76-97, 2015
Measuring the emotional impact of websites: a study on combining a dimensional and discrete emotion approach in measuring visual appeal of university websites
K Capota, M Van Hout, T van der Geest
Proceedings of the 2007 conference on Designing pleasurable products and …, 2007
Conducting usability studies with users who are elderly or have disabilities
T Van der Geest
Technical Communication 53 (1), 23-31, 2006
Wearables for all: development of guidelines to stimulate accessible wearable technology design
J Wentzel, E Velleman, T van der Geest
Proceedings of the 13th International Web for All Conference, 1-4, 2016
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Articles 1–20