Martin Gelter
Cited by
Cited by
The dark side of shareholder influence: managerial autonomy and stakeholder orientation in comparative corporate governance
M Gelter
Harvard International Law Journal 50, 129-194, 2009
The Transatlantic Divergence in Legal Thought: American Law and Economics vs. German Doctrinalism
K Grechenig, M Gelter
Hastings International and Comparative Law Review 31, 295-360, 2008
The Pension System and the Rise of Shareholder Primacy
M Gelter
Seton Hall Law Review 43, 909-970, 2013
Constraining dominant shareholders' self-dealing: The legal framework in France, Germany, and Italy
PH Conac, L Enriques, M Gelter
European Company and Financial Law Review 4 (4), 491-528, 2007
Why Do Shareholder Derivative Suits Remain Rare in Continental Europe
M Gelter
Brooklyn Journal of International Law 37, 843, 887-888, 2011
Taming or Protecting the Modern Corporation-Shareholder-Stakeholder Debates in a Comparative Light
M Gelter
NYU Journal of Law and Business 7, 641-730, 2010
The structure of regulatory competition in European corporate law
M Gelter
Journal of Corporate Law Studies 5 (2), 247-284, 2005
COVID-19 and comparative corporate governance
M Gelter, JM Puaschunder
J. Corp. L. 46, 557, 2020
How the old world encountered the new one: Regulatory competition and cooperation in European corporate and bankruptcy law
L Enriques, M Gelter
Tulane Law Review 81, 577-646, 2006
Regulatory competition in European company law and creditor protection
L Enriques, M Gelter
European Business Organization Law Review (EBOR) 7 (1), 417-453, 2006
Citations to foreign courts—illegitimate and superfluous, or unavoidable? Evidence from Europe
M Gelter, MM Siems
The American Journal of Comparative Law 62 (1), 35-86, 2014
Networks, Dialogue or One-Way Traffic? An Empirical Analysis of Cross-Citations Between Ten of Europe’s Highest Courts
M Gelter, M Siems
Utrecht Law Review, 88-99, 2012
Lift Not the Painted Veil: To Whom Are Directors Duties Really Owed
M Gelter, G Helleringer
University of Illinois Law Review 2015, 1069-1118, 2015
Language, legal origins, and culture before the courts: Cross-citations between Supreme Courts in Europe
M Gelter, MM Siems
Supreme Court Economic Review 21 (1), 215-269, 2013
Divergente Evolution des Rechtsdenkens–von amerikanischer Rechtsökonomie und deutscher Dogmatik
K Grechenig, M Gelter
Rabels Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht/The …, 2008
Legal Liability of Directors and Company Officials Part 2: Court Procedures, Indemnification and Insurance, and Administrative and Criminal Liability (Report to the Russian …
B Black, B Cheffinis, M Gelter, K Hwa-Jin
Columbia Business Law Review 2008, 1-171, 2008
Opportunity makes a thief: Corporate opportunities as legal transplant and convergence in corporate law
M Gelter, G Helleringer
Berkeley Bus. LJ 15, 92, 2018
Tilting the Balance between Capital and Labor-The Effects of Regulatory Arbitrage in European Corporate Law on Employees
M Gelter
Fordham International Law Journal 33, 792-857, 2009
The subordination of shareholder loans in bankruptcy
M Gelter
International Review of Law and Economics 26 (4), 478-502, 2006
Fiduciary principles in european civil law systems
M Gelter, G Helleringer
Oxford Handbook of Fiduciary Law (Evan J. Criddle, Paul B. Miller & Robert H …, 2018
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Articles 1–20