Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Informatics
Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Informatics
Sciedu Press
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Efficacy of amelogenin-chitosan hydrogel in biomimetic repair of human enamel in pH-cycling systems
Q Ruan, D Liberman, R Bapat, KB Chandrababu, JH Phark, ...
Journal of biomedical engineering and informatics 2 (1), 119, 2016
Integrated system for the complete segmentation of the common carotid artery bifurcation in ultrasound images
CP Loizou, T Kasparis, C Spyrou, M Pantziaris
Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations: 9th IFIP WG 12.5 …, 2013
The adsorptive potential of chicken egg shells for the removal of oxalic acid from wastewater
M Ikram, AU Rehman, S Ali, S Ali, SUH Bakhtiar, S Alam
Journal of Environmental Sciences 2 (2), 118-131, 2016
Numerical simulations to determine the influence of mould design on ice-templated scaffold structures
A Husmann, K Pawelec, C Burdett, S Best, R Cameron
genesis 6, 8, 2015
A comparison of hip adduction to abduction strength ratios, in the dominant and non-dominant limb, of elite academy football players
VC Griffin, T Everett, IG Horsley
Cardiff University, 2011
Design and construction of a 3D force plate prototype for developing an instrumented swimming start block
L Mourão, K De Jesus, N Viriato, RJ Fernandes, JP Vilas-Boas, MAP Vaz
Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Informatics 2 (2), 99, 2016
The effects of aerobic fatigue on jump shot kinematics in team handball players
HA Plummer, GD Oliver
J. Biomed. Eng. Inform 2, 65, 2015
Identification of emphysema patterns in high resolution computed tomography images
MA Ibrahim, OA Ojo, PA Oluwafisoye
Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Informatics 4 (1), 16-24, 2018
Biomechanical analysis to characterize the impact of knee osteoarthritis on hip, knee, and ankle kinematics
N Mezghani, D Billard, Y Ouakrim, A Fuentes, N Hagemeister, ...
Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Informatics 3 (2), 36-42, 2017
Effects of front and back squat techniques on patellofemoral joint kinetics in males
JK Sinclair, S Atkins, N Kudiersky, PJ Taylor, H Vincent
Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Informatics 2 (1), 2015
Simulation, visualization and dosimetric validation of scatter radiation distribution under fluoroscopy settings
LWC Chan, TP Chan, BTF Cheung, K Mo, KKL Fung
Journal of biomedical engineering and informatics 1 (1), 93-102, 2015
Validation of a computational model versus a bench top model of an aortic dissection model
K Khanafer, MS Schlicht, K Vafai, S Prabhakar, M Gaith
Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Informatics 2 (1), 82-90, 2015
Impedance analysis of ZnO nanowire coated dry EEG electrodes
J Wu, W Jia, C Xu, D Gao, M Sun
Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Informatics 3 (1), 44, 2017
Feasibility of reproducible vendor independent estimation of cardiac function based on first generation speckle tracking echocardiography
H Khamis, S Shimoni, A Hagendorff, N Smirin, Z Friedman, D Adam
J Biomed Eng Inf 2, 57, 2015
Automatic bone drilling using a novel robot in orthopedic trauma surgery
R Kastelov, G Boiadjiev, T Boiadjiev, K Delchev, K Zagurski, ...
Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Informatics 3 (2), 62, 2017
Development and evaluation of a three-dimensional multi-level model for visualising the workflow composite score in a health IT benchmark
J Thye, U Hübner, MC Straede, JD Liebe
J Biomed Eng Inform 2 (2), 83-98, 2016
Minimizing muscle fatigue through optimization of electrical stimulation parameters
H Rouhani, KE Rodriguez, AJ Bergquist, K Masani, MR Popovic
J Biomed Eng Informatics 3 (1), 33, 2016
Automated analysis and predictive modeling of craniosynostosis with cranial suture measurements and intracranial volume asymmetries using the snake algorithm
M Walker, CD Hermann, JK Williams, B Vidacovic, R Olivares-Navarette, ...
J Biomed Eng Inform 2 (2), 132-149, 2016
Continuous manufacturing of carboxyamidotriazole-encapsulated nanoemulsions using adaptive focused acoustics: Potential green technology for the pharmaceutical industry
GH Choi, S Kakumanu, L Schmitz, GLWG Robinson, CD Beckett, ...
methods 1 (19), 20, 2016
Hyperspectral imaging of retinal microvascular anatomy
AH Kashani, M Wong, N Koulisis, CI Chang, G Martin, MS Humayun
Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Informatics 2 (1), 139, 2015
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Articles 1–20