Youzhen Su
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Cited by
Effects of exposure to COVID-19 news and information: A meta-analysis of media use and uncertainty-related responses during the pandemic
TH Chu, TED Yeo, Y Su
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 99 (1), 89-112, 2022
Online social support for intimate partner violence victims in China: Quantitative and automatic content analysis
TH Chu, Y Su, H Kong, J Shi, X Wang
Violence against women 27 (3-4), 339-358, 2021
Extending the risk perception attitude framework to predict individuals’ engagement in collective actions against cancer
Y Su, J Shi
Health Communication 38 (1), 91-100, 2023
Offspring caregivers of Chinese women with breast cancer: their social support requests and provision on social media
J Shi, L Chen, Y Su, M Chen
Telemedicine and e-Health 25 (8), 748-755, 2019
Mental health conditions in young Asian adults and motivation to seek counseling: A cross-country study
J Shi, HK Kim, Y Su, H Kong
Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health 32 (6-7), 328-333, 2020
Effect of social media use on food safety risk perception through risk characteristics: Exploring a moderated mediation model among people with different levels of science literacy
J Zhang, HC Wu, L Chen, Y Su
Frontiers in Psychology 13, 963863, 2022
Campaign-induced interpersonal communication following exposure to strong and weak persuasive messages
SS Li, JP Dillard, Y Su
Human Communication Research, hqae011, 2024
Less Fragmented but Highly Centralized: A Bibliometric Analysis of Research in Computational Social Science
X Wang, Y Song, Y Su
Social Science Computer Review 41 (3), 946-966, 2023
Social representations of nuclear power on Chinese social media: a topic modeling analysis
Y Su
Hong Kong Baptist University, 2019
Vivifying Outbreaks: Investigating the Influence of a Forecast Visual on Risk Perceptions, Time-Urgency, and Behavioral Intentions
RA Smith, Y Su, K Yan, K Shea
Health Communication, 1-11, 2024
A meta-analysis of media exposure and uncertainty-related responses during the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak
K CHU Tsz Hang, TED Yeo, Y Su
Give Boys a Shot: Examining Reddit Discussions on Male HPV Vaccination Using Machine Learning
TH Chu, Y Su, F Fan, S Wang, TED Yeo
10th International Conference on Social Media & Society (SMSociety 2019), 2019
Give boys a shot: Examining reddit discussions on male HPV vaccination using machine learning
K CHU Tsz Hang, Y Su, F Fan, S Wang, TED Yeo
Online social support for Chinese domestic violence victims: Manual and automatic content analyses
K CHU Tsz Hang, Y Su, H Kong, X Wang, J Shi
Offspring caregivers of Chinese women with breast cancer
J Shi, L Chen, Y Su, M Chen
Effects of Exposure to COVID-19 News and Information
TH Chu, TED Yeo, Y Su
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Articles 1–16