David Beyea
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Cited by
Avatar characteristics induce users’ behavioral conformity with small-to-medium effect sizes: A meta-analysis of the proteus effect
R Ratan, D Beyea, BJ Li, L Graciano
Media Psychology 23 (5), 651-675, 2020
Investigating moderating roles of goals, reviewer similarity, and self-disclosure on the effect of argument quality of online consumer reviews on attitude formation
SY Shin, B Van Der Heide, D Beyea, YN Dai, B Prchal
Computers in Human Behavior 76, 218-226, 2017
Virtual Reality Genres: Comparing Preferences in Immersive Experiences and Games
M Foxman, AP Leith, D Beyea, B Klebig, VHH Chen, R Ratan
Extended Abstracts of the 2020 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human …, 2020
Seeing possibilities for action: Orienting and exploratory behaviors in VR
J Lee, A Eden, DR Ewoldsen, D Beyea, S Lee
Computers in Human Behavior 98, 158-165, 2019
Behavioral demands as behavioral affordances in video games
A Eden, DR Ewoldsen, J Lee, D Beyea
Video Games, 92-107, 2018
A New Meta-Analysis of the Proteus Effect: Studies in VR Find Stronger Effect Sizes
D Beyea, R Ratan, Y Lei, H Liu, GE Hales, C Lim
PRESENCE: Virtual and Augmented Reality 31, 189-202, 2022
Beyond Genre: Classifying Virtual Reality Experiences
M Foxman, D Beyea, AP Leith, RA Ratan, VHH Chen, B Klebig
IEEE Transactions on Games 14 (3), 466-477, 2021
Avatar-based self-influence in a traditional CMC environment.
D Beyea, B Van der Heide, D Ewoldsen, A Eden, J Meng
Journal of Media Psychology: Theories, Methods, and Applications, 2021
Curbing Negativity: Influence of Providing Justifications About Control Over User-Generated Comments on Social Media
SY Shin, Y Dai, D Beyea, B Prchal, TW Makki, K Schlafhauser, ...
Communication Research 47 (6), 838-859, 2020
Avatar-Based Self-Influence in a Text-Based CMC Environment
D Beyea
Michigan State University, 2019
Role-taking as an advocacy strategy for policy reform: A comparative analysis of presentation modes in evoking empathy and willingness to act
L Tran, K Lang, N Carcioppolo, D Beyea
Games, Learning & Society Conference, Madison, WI, 2014
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Articles 1–11