Jon Krosnick
Jon Krosnick
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Survey research
JA Krosnick
Annual review of psychology 50 (1), 537-567, 1999
Response strategies for coping with the cognitive demands of attitude measures in surveys
JA Krosnick
Applied cognitive psychology 5 (3), 213-236, 1991
Questionnaire design
JA Krosnick
The Palgrave handbook of survey research, 439-455, 2018
Attitude strength: Antecedents and consequences
RE Petty, JA Krosnick
Psychology Press, 2014
Attitude strength: An overview
JA Krosnick, RE Petty
Attitude strength, 1-24, 2014
Telephone versus face-to-face interviewing of national probability samples with long questionnaires: Comparisons of respondent satisficing and social desirability response bias
AL Holbrook, MC Green, JA Krosnick
Public opinion quarterly 67 (1), 79-125, 2003
Altering the foundations of support for the president through priming
JA Krosnick, DR Kinder
American Political Science Review 84 (2), 497-512, 1990
National surveys via RDD telephone interviewing versus the Internet: Comparing sample representativeness and response quality
L Chang, JA Krosnick
Public Opinion Quarterly 73 (4), 641-678, 2009
An evaluation of a cognitive theory of response-order effects in survey measurement
JA Krosnick, DF Alwin
Public opinion quarterly 51 (2), 201-219, 1987
Attitude strength: One construct or many related constructs?
JA Krosnick, DS Boninger, YC Chuang, MK Berent, CG Carnot
Journal of personality and social psychology 65 (6), 1132, 1993
News media impact on the ingredients of presidential evaluations: Politically knowledgeable citizens are guided by a trusted source
JM Miller, JA Krosnick
American Journal of Political Science, 301-315, 2000
An introduction to survey research, polling, and data analysis
H Weisberg, JA Krosnick, BD Bowen
Sage, 1996
Aging and susceptibility to attitude change.
JA Krosnick, DF Alwin
Journal of personality and social psychology 57 (3), 416, 1989
Aging, cohorts, and the stability of sociopolitical orientations over the life span
DF Alwin, JA Krosnick
American journal of sociology 97 (1), 169-195, 1991
The impact of" no opinion" response options on data quality: non-attitude reduction or an invitation to satisfice?
JA Krosnick, AL Holbrook, MK Berent, RT Carson, W Michael Hanemann, ...
Public Opinion Quarterly 66 (3), 371-403, 2002
Designing rating scales for effective measurement in surveys
JA Krosnick, LR Fabrigar
Survey measurement and process quality, 141-164, 1997
Comparing the accuracy of RDD telephone surveys and internet surveys conducted with probability and non-probability samples
DS Yeager, JA Krosnick, LC Chang, HS Javitz, MS Levendusky, ...
Public opinion quarterly 75 (4), 709-747, 2011
Research synthesis: AAPOR report on online panels
Prepared for the AAPOR Executive Council by a Task Force operating under the ...
Public Opinion Quarterly 74 (4), 711-781, 2010
Government policy and citizen passion: A study of issue publics in contemporary America
JA Krosnick
Political behavior 12, 59-92, 1990
An introduction to survey research and data analysis
HF Weisberg, JA Krosnick, BD Bowen
Scott, Foresman & Co, 1989
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Articles 1–20