Sheila Amin Gutierrez de Pineres
Sheila Amin Gutierrez de Pineres
Dean, Burnett Honors College- University of Central Florida
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Cited by
Cited by
S. and M. Ferrantino (1997).“Export Diversification and Structural Dynamics in the Growth Process: The Case of Chile”
AG de Pinheres
Journal of Development Economics 52, 379-391, 0
Country of Origin Attitudes in Mexico
W Bailey, SAG de Pineres
Journal of International Consumer Marketing 9 (3), 25-41, 1997
Drugs, violence, and development in Colombia: A department-level analysis
JS Holmes, SAG De Pineres, KM Curtin
Latin American Politics and Society 48 (3), 157-184, 2006
Export dynamics and economic growth in Latin America: A comparative perspective
S Amin Gutiérrez de Piñeres, MJ Ferrantino
(No Title), 2000
Guns, drugs, and development in Colombia
JS Holmes, SAG de Piñeres, KM Curtin
University of Texas Press, 2009
Export diversification and structural dynamics in the growth process: The case of Chile
S Amin Gutiérrez de Piñeres, M Ferrantino
Journal of development Economics 52 (2), 375-391, 1997
Reforming government agencies internationally: is there a role for the balanced scorecard?
JS Holmes, SAG de Piñeres, LD Kiel
Intl Journal of Public Administration 29 (12), 1125-1145, 2006
A subnational study of insurgency: FARC violence in the 1990s
JS Holmes, SAG De Piñeres, KM Curtin
Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 30 (3), 249-265, 2007
Export sector dynamics and domestic growth: The case of Colombia
SAG Piñeres, M Ferrantino
Review of Development Economics 3 (3), 268-280, 1999
Latin American Democracy: Emerging reality or endangered species
R Millett
Routledge, 2008
Violence and the state: Lessons from Colombia
JS Holmes, S Amin Gutiérrez de Piñeres
Small Wars & Insurgencies 25 (2), 372-403, 2014
Sources of Fujimori's popularity: Neo-liberal reform or ending terrorism
JS Holmes, SAG De Piñeres
Terrorism and Political Violence 14 (4), 93-112, 2002
Conflict-induced displacement and violence in Colombia
JS Holmes, SAG De Piñeres
Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 34 (7), 572-586, 2011
The illegal drug industry, violence and the Colombian economy: A department level analysis
JS Holmes, SAG De Piñeres
Bulletin of Latin American Research 25 (1), 104-118, 2006
Institutions, globalisation and empowerment
KC Roy, J Sideras
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2006
Export-led growth: are the results robust across methodologies and/or data sets? A case study of Latin America
SAG De Piñeres, M Cantavella-Jordá
Applied Economics 39 (12), 1475-1500, 2007
Security and economic voting: support for incumbent parties in Colombian presidential elections
JS Holmes, SAG de Piñeres
Routledge, 2012
Externalities in the agricultural export sector and economic growth: a developing country perspective
SAG de Piñeres
Agricultural Economics 21 (3), 257-267, 1999
Export diversification trends: Some comparisons for Latin America
SAG de Piñeres, M Ferrantino
The International Executive 39 (4), 465-477, 1997
Short-run effects of devaluation: a disaggregated analysis of Latin American exports
SAG de Piñeres, M Cantavella-Jorda
Applied Economics 42 (2), 133-142, 2010
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Articles 1–20