Casper Ahl Breum
Casper Ahl Breum
NKT Photonics
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Cited by
Deterministic generation of a two-dimensional cluster state
MV Larsen, X Guo, CR Breum, JS Neergaard-Nielsen, UL Andersen
Science 366 (6463), 369-372, 2019
Distributed quantum sensing in a continuous-variable entangled network
X Guo, CR Breum, J Borregaard, S Izumi, MV Larsen, T Gehring, ...
Nature Physics 16 (3), 281-284, 2020
Deterministic multi-mode gates on a scalable photonic quantum computing platform
MV Larsen, X Guo, CR Breum, JS Neergaard-Nielsen, UL Andersen
Nature Physics 17 (9), 1018-1023, 2021
Fiber-coupled EPR-state generation using a single temporally multiplexed squeezed light source
MV Larsen, X Guo, CR Breum, JS Neergaard-Nielsen, UL Andersen
npj Quantum Information 5 (1), 46, 2019
Deterministic generation of a two-dimensional cluster state for universal quantum computing
MV Larsen, X Guo, CR Breum, JS Neergaard-Nielsen, UL Andersen
arXiv e-prints, 2019
Generación determinista de un estado de clúster bidimensional
MV Larsen, X Guo, CR Breum, JS Neergaard-Nielsen, UL Andersen
Science 366 (6463), 369-372, 2019
Sensitivity enhancement by mode entanglement in distributed phase sensing
X Guo, J Borregaard, CR Breum, S Izumi, MV Larsen, ...
Quantum Information and Measurement, S4A. 4, 2019
Demonstration of distributed quantum sensing using nonlinear optics
X Guo, CR Breum, J Borregaard, S Izumi, MV Larsen, ...
The European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, cd_12_1, 2019
Quantum randomness certification with untrusted measurements and few probe states
KN Wilkinson, CA Breum, T Gehring, JB Brask
arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.13608, 2022
Quantum Communication with non-Gaussian states
CR Breum
Department of Physics, Technical University of Denmark, 2020
Generation of two-mode squeezed states from a single temporally multiplexed squeezing source
MV Larsen, X Guo, CR Breum, JS Neergaard-Nielsen, UL Andersen
Quantum Information and Measurement, T5A. 20, 2019
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Articles 1–11