Eric Gould
Eric Gould
Professor of Economics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
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Cited by
Crime rates and local labor market opportunities in the United States: 1979–1997
ED Gould, BA Weinberg, DB Mustard
Review of Economics and statistics 84 (1), 45-61, 2002
Does immigration affect the long‐term educational outcomes of natives? Quasi‐experimental evidence
ED Gould, V Lavy, M Daniele Paserman
The Economic Journal 119 (540), 1243-1269, 2009
Does Terrorism Work?
ED Gould, EF Klor
The Quarterly Journal of Economics 125 (4), 1459-1510, 2010
Internalizing externalities: the pricing of space in shopping malls
BP Pashigian, ED Gould
The Journal of Law and Economics 41 (1), 115-142, 1998
Cities, workers, and wages: A structural analysis of the urban wage premium
ED Gould
The Review of Economic Studies 74 (2), 477-506, 2007
Contracts, externalities, and incentives in shopping malls
ED Gould, BP Pashigian, CJ Prendergast
Review of Economics and Statistics 87 (3), 411-422, 2005
Precautionary demand for education, inequality, and technological progress
ED Gould, O Moav, BA Weinberg
Journal of Economic Growth 6, 285-315, 2001
Waiting for Mr. Right: rising inequality and declining marriage rates
ED Gould, MD Paserman
Journal of Urban Economics 53 (2), 257-281, 2003
Immigrating to Opportunity: Estimating the Effect of School Quality Using a Natural Experiment on Ethiopians in Israel
ED Gould, V Lavy, MD Paserman
Quarterly Journal of Economics 119 (2), 489-526, 2004
The long‐run effect of 9/11: Terrorism, backlash, and the assimilation of Muslim immigrants in the west
ED Gould, EF Klor
The Economic Journal 126 (597), 2064-2114, 2016
Rising wage inequality, comparative advantage, and the growing importance of general skills in the United States
ED Gould
Journal of Labor Economics 20 (1), 105-147, 2002
Sixty years after the magic carpet ride: The long-run effect of the early childhood environment on social and economic outcomes
ED Gould, V Lavy, MD Paserman
Review of Economic Studies 78, 938–973, 2011
The mystery of monogamy
ED Gould, O Moav, A Simhon
American Economic Review 98 (1), 333–357, 2008
Interactions between workers and the technology of production: Evidence from professional baseball
ED Gould, E Winter
The Review of Economics and Statistics 91 (1), 188-200, 2009
Growing apart, losing trust? The impact of inequality on social capital
ED Gould, A Hijzen
International Monetary Fund, 2016
Does high inequality attract high skilled immigrants?
ED Gould, O Moav
The Economic Journal 126 (June 2016), 1055–1091, 2016
Does parental quality matter? Evidence on the transmission of human capital using variation in parental influence from death, divorce, and family size
ED Gould, A Simhon, BA Weinberg
Journal of Labor Economics 38 (2), 569-610, 2020
The retail price of inequality
DM Frankel, ED Gould
Journal of Urban Economics 49 (2), 219-239, 2001
Israel's brain drain
ED Gould, O Moav
Israel Economic Review 5 (1), 1-22, 2007
Fashion, styling, and the within-season decline in automobile prices
BP Pashigian, B Bowen, E Gould
The Journal of Law and Economics 38 (2), 281-309, 1995
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Articles 1–20