Alassane Bah
Alassane Bah
Professeur Titulaire, Département Génie Informatique, ESP - UCAD
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Using self-designed role-playing games and a multi-agent system to empower a local decision-making process for land use management: The SelfCormas experiment in Senegal
P D'aquino, C Le Page, F Bousquet, A Bah
Journal of artificial societies and social simulation 6 (3), 2003
An agent-based model to understand the multiple uses of land and resources around drillings in Sahel
A Bah, I Touré, C Le Page, A Ickowicz, AT Diop
Mathematical and Computer Modelling 44 (5-6), 513-534, 2006
A novel mediating participatory modelling: the self-design process to accompany collective decision making
P d'Aquino, C Le Page, F Bousquet, A Bah
International journal of agricultural resources, governance and ecology 2 (1 …, 2002
CORMAS: A multiagent simulation toolkit to model natural and social dynamics at multiple scales
C Le Page, F Bousquet, I Bakam, A Bah, C Baron
Resource Modeling Association, 2000
Multi-level participatory design of land use policies in African drylands: A method to embed adaptability skills of drylands societies in a policy framework
P d'Aquino, A Bah
Journal of Environmental Management 132, 207-219, 2014
Can overexploited fisheries recover by self-organization? Reallocation of fishing effort as an emergent form of governance
T Brochier, P Auger, D Thiao, A Bah, S Ly, T Nguyen-Huu, P Brehmer
Marine Policy 95, 46-56, 2018
A participatory modeling process to capture indigenous ways of adaptability to uncertainty: outputs from an experiment in West African drylands
P d'Aquino, A Bah
Ecology and Society 18 (4), 2013
Difficultés de la participation en recherche-action: retour d'expériences de modélisation d'accompagnement en appui à l'aménagement du territoire au Sénégal et à la Réunion
W Daré, S Aubert, A Bah, A Botta, I Diop-Gaye, C Fourage, G Lajoie, ...
VertigO-la revue électronique en sciences de l'environnement 8 (2), 2008
Land Policies for Climate Change Adaptation in West Africa: A Multilevel Companion Modeling Approach
P d’Aquino, A Bah
Simulation & Gaming 44 (2-3), 391-408, 2013
An individual-based model for studying the aggregation behavior in phytoplankton
N El Saadi, A Bah
Ecological modelling 204 (1-2), 193-212, 2007
A bottom-up participatory modelling process for a multi-level agreement on environmental uncertainty management in West Africa
P d'Aquino, A Bah
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 56 (2), 271-285, 2013
Rangeland herd and herder mobility in dry intertropical zones: multi-agent systems and adaptation
F Bousquet, P d'Aquino, J BOUCHIER, M REQUIER, A Bah, R Canal, ...
Savoirs experts et savoirs locaux pour la coélaboration d'outils cartographiques d'aide à la décision
I Touré, A Bah, P D'Aquino, I Dia
Cahiers Agricultures 13 (6), 546-553 (1), 2004
Complex data labeling with deep learning methods: Lessons from fisheries acoustics
JMA Sarr, T Brochier, P Brehmer, Y Perrot, A Bah, A Sarré, MA Jeyid, ...
ISA transactions 109, 113-125, 2021
Atlas des évolutions des systèmes pastoraux au Sahel: 1970-2012
I Touré, A Ickowicz, A Wane, I Garba, P Gerber, I Atte, JD Cesaro, AT Diop, ...
FAO, 2012
On the optimal size and number of reserves in a multi-site fishery model
A Moussaoui, M Bensenane, P Auger, A Bah
Journal of Biological Systems 23 (01), 31-47, 2015
Facteurs de transformation des systemes d’élevage extensifs des territoires: étude comparée des dynamiques locales sur trois continents
A Ickowicz, A Bah, P Bommel, JP Choisis, M Etienne, A Gibon, J Lasseur, ...
Cahiers agricultures 19 (2), 127-134, 2010
Un modèle multi-agents pour étudier les politiques d’affectation des terres et leurs impacts sur les dynamiques pastorales et territoriales au Ferlo (Sénégal)
A Bah, I Toure, C Fourage, ID Gaye, G Leclerc, A Soumare, A Ickowicz, ...
Cahiers agricultures 19 (2), 118-126, 2010
On phytoplankton aggregation: a view from an IBM approach
N El Saadi, A Bah
Comptes Rendus Biologies 329 (9), 669-678, 2006
Parameter and state estimation in a Neisseria meningitidis model: A study case of Niger
S Bowong, L Mountaga, A Bah, JJ Tewa, J Kurths
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 26 (12), 2016
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Articles 1–20