jean-marie rocchisani
jean-marie rocchisani
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Cited by
Novel example-based method for super-resolution and denoising of medical images
DH Trinh, M Luong, F Dibos, JM Rocchisani, CD Pham, TQ Nguyen
IEEE Transactions on Image processing 23 (4), 1882-1895, 2014
3D edge detection using recursive filtering: application to scanner images
O Monga, R Deriche, JM Rocchisani
CVGIP: Image Understanding 53 (1), 76-87, 1991
Building highly structured volume representations in 3D medical images
N Ayache, JD Boissonnat, E Brunet, L Cohen, JP Chièze, B Geiger, ...
Computer Aided Radiology 89, 765-772, 1989
Improving registration of 3-D medical images using a mechanical based method
G Malandain, S Fernández-Vidal, JM Rocchisani
Computer Vision—ECCV'94: Third European Conference on Computer Vision …, 1994
Comparison of ED, EID, and API criteria for the robust optimization of sampling times in pharmacokinetics
M Tod, JM Rocchisani
Journal of pharmacokinetics and biopharmaceutics 25, 515-537, 1997
Implementation of OSPOP, an algorithm for the estimation of optimal sampling times in pharmacokinetics by the ED, EID and API criteria
M Tod, JM Rocchisani
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 50 (1), 13-22, 1996
An optimal weight method for CT image denoising
DH Trinh, M Luong, JM Rocchisani, CD Pham, HD Pham, F Dibos
Journal of Electronic Science and Technology 10 (2), 124-129, 2012
Efficient segmentation with the convex local-global fuzzy Gaussian distribution active contour for medical applications
QT Thieu, M Luong, JM Rocchisani, NM Sirakov, E Viennet
Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 75, 249-266, 2015
Coded aperture optimization using Monte Carlo simulations
A Martineau, JM Rocchisani, JL Moretti
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2010
Fully three-dimensional tomographic evolutionary reconstruction in nuclear medicine
A Bousquet, J Louchet, JM Rocchisani
Artificial Evolution: 8th International Conference, Evolution Artificielle …, 2008
Physically based rigid registration of 3-D free-form objects: application to medical imaging
G Malandain, S Fernández-Vidal, JM Rocchisani
INRIA, 1994
New genetic operators in the fly algorithm: application to medical PET image reconstruction
FP Vidal, J Louchet, JM Rocchisani, É Lutton
European Conference on the Applications of Evolutionary Computation, 292-301, 2010
Multi-dimensional vessels extraction using crest lines
V Prinet, O Mona, JM Rocchisani
Proceedings of 17th International Conference of the Engineering in Medicine …, 1995
Medical image denoising using kernel ridge regression
DH Trinh, M Luong, JM Rocchisani, CD Pham, F Dibos
2011 18th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 1597-1600, 2011
Vessel representation in 2D and 3D angiograms
V Prinet, O Monga, JM Rocchisani
CARS 97, 240-255, 1997
Artificial evolution for 3D PET reconstruction
FP Vidal, D Lazaro-Ponthus, S Legoupil, J Louchet, É Lutton, ...
International Conference on Artificial Evolution (Evolution Artificielle), 37-48, 2009
Rigid registration of 3-d objects by motion analysis
G Malandain, S Fernández-Vidal, JM Rocchisani
Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition 1, 579-581, 1994
Threshold selection, mitosis and dual mutation in cooperative co-evolution: application to medical 3D tomography
FP Vidal, E Lutton, J Louchet, JM Rocchisani
International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, 414-423, 2010
PET reconstruction using a cooperative coevolution strategy in LOR space
FP Vidal, J Louchet, JM Rocchisani, E Lutton
2009 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record (NSS/MIC), 3363-3366, 2009
Fast and memory efficient segmentation of lung tumors using graph cuts
N Lermé, F Malgouyres, JM Rocchisani
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Articles 1–20