Carsten Haubold
Cited by
Cited by
Ilastik: interactive machine learning for (bio) image analysis
S Berg, D Kutra, T Kroeger, CN Straehle, BX Kausler, C Haubold, ...
Nature methods 16 (12), 1226-1232, 2019
An objective comparison of cell-tracking algorithms
V Ulman, M Maška, KEG Magnusson, O Ronneberger, C Haubold, ...
Nature methods 14 (12), 1141-1152, 2017
Graphical model for joint segmentation and tracking of multiple dividing cells
M Schiegg, P Hanslovsky, C Haubold, U Koethe, L Hufnagel, ...
Bioinformatics 31 (6), 948-956, 2015
Ambient point clouds for view interpolation
M Goesele, J Ackermann, S Fuhrmann, C Haubold, R Klowsky, D Steedly, ...
ACM SIGGRAPH 2010 papers, 1-6, 2010
Network flow integer programming to track elliptical cells in time-lapse sequences
E Türetken, X Wang, CJ Becker, C Haubold, P Fua
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 36 (4), 942-951, 2016
Semi-global matching: a principled derivation in terms of message passing
A Drory, C Haubold, S Avidan, FA Hamprecht
Pattern Recognition: 36th German Conference, GCPR 2014, Münster, Germany …, 2014
Segmenting and Tracking Multiple Dividing Targets Using ilastik
C Haubold, M Schiegg, A Kreshuk, S Berg, U Koethe, FA Hamprecht
Focus on bio-image informatics, 199-229, 2016
Beginning OpenGL game programming
J Darby
Cengage Learning, 2009
A generalized successive shortest paths solver for tracking dividing targets
C Haubold, J Aleš, S Wolf, FA Hamprecht
Computer Vision–ECCV 2016: 14th European Conference, Amsterdam, The …, 2016
Globally optimal cell tracking using integer programming
E Türetken, X Wang, C Becker, C Haubold, P Fua
arXiv preprint arXiv:1501.05499, 2015
K. Sirinukunwattana, J. Pluim, H. Chen, X. Qi, P. Heng, Y. Guo, L. Wang, B. Matuszewski, E. Bruni, U. Sanchez, Anton Böhm, Olaf Ronneberger, B. Cheikh, D. Racoceanu, P. Kainz …
V Ulman, M Maška, K Magnusson, C Haubold, N Harder, P Matula, ...
Nature Methods 14, 1141-1152, 2017
Proof-reading guidance in cell tracking by sampling from tracking-by-assignment models
M Schiegg, B Heuer, C Haubold, S Wolf, U Koethe, FA Hamprecht
2015 IEEE 12th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 394-398, 2015
DiversePathsJ: diverse shortest paths for bioimage analysis
V Uhlmann, C Haubold, FA Hamprecht, M Unser
Bioinformatics 34 (3), 538-540, 2018
Diverse M-Best Solutions by Dynamic Programming
C Haubold, V Uhlmann, M Unser, FA Hamprecht
Pattern Recognition: 39th German Conference, GCPR 2017, Basel, Switzerland …, 2017
Geospatial Analytics Extension for KNIME
L Liu, X Fu, T Kötter, K Sturm, C Haubold, WW Guan, S Bao, F Wang
SoftwareX 25, 101627, 2024
Scalable Inference for Multi-Target Tracking of Proliferating Cells
C Haubold
V Uhlmann, C Haubold, F Hamprecht
C Haubold, M Schiegg, D Stöckel, S Wolf, FA Hamprecht
Diverse M-Best Solutions by Dynamic Programming Supplementary
C Haubold, V Uhlmann, M Unser, FA Hamprecht
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Articles 1–19