Fernando Brito e Abreu (ORCID: 0000-0002-9086-4122)
Fernando Brito e Abreu (ORCID: 0000-0002-9086-4122)
Associate Professor (ISCTE-IUL) & Researcher (ISTAR-IUL)
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Cited by
Evaluating the impact of object-oriented design on software quality
F Brito e Abreu, W Melo
Proceedings of the 3rd international software metrics symposium, 90-99, 1996
Object-oriented software engineering: Measuring and controlling the development process
F Brito e Abreu, R Carapuça
4th International Conference on Software Quality, McLean, Virginia, USA, 1994
Candidate metrics for object-oriented software within a taxonomy framework
F Brito e Abreu, R Carapuça
Journal of Systems and Software 26 (1), 87-96, 1994
The MOOD Metrics Set
F Brito e Abreu
ECOOP'95 Workshop on Quantitative Methods for Object-Oriented Systems …, 1995
Toward the design quality evaluation of object-oriented software systems
F Brito e Abreu, M Goulão, R Esteves
5th International Conference on Software Quality (5ICSQ), Austin, Texas, USA …, 1995
Coupling and cohesion as modularization drivers: Are we being over-persuaded?
F Brito e Abreu, M Goulão
Fifth European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR …, 2001
A coupling-guided cluster analysis approach to reengineer the modularity of object-oriented systems
FB e Abreu, G Pereira, P Sousa
Proceedings of the fourth european conference on software maintenance and …, 2000
Using OCL to formalize object-oriented design metrics definitions
AL Baroni, S Braz, F Brito e Abreu
International Workshop on Quantitative Approaches in Object-Oriented …, 2002
The design of Eiffel programs: Quantitative evaluation using the MOOD metrics
F Brito e Abreu, R Esteves, M Goulão
20th International Conference on Technology of Object Oriented Languages and …, 1996
Code smells detection and visualization: a systematic literature review
J Pereira dos Reis, F Brito e Abreu, G de Figueiredo Carneiro, C Anslow
Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 29 (1), 47-94, 2022
Using OCL to formalize object-oriented metrics definitions
F Brito e Abreu
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1217095, 2001
A formal library for aiding metrics extraction
AL Baroni, F Brito e Abreu
ECOOP International Workshop on Object-Oriented Re-Engineering (WOOR'2003), 2003
Formal Definition of Object Oriented Design Metrics
AL Baroni, F Brito e Abreu (supervisor), T D’Hondt (supervisor)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), 2002
Reducing subjectivity in code smells detection: Experimenting with the long method
S Bryton, F Brito e Abreu, M Monteiro
7th International Conference on the Quality of Information and …, 2010
An ontological approach to describe the SQL: 2003 object-relational features
C Calero, F Ruiz, A Baroni, FB e Abreu, M Piattini
Computer Standards & Interfaces 28 (6), 695-713, 2006
Bridging the gap between Acme and UML 2.0 for CBD
M Goulão, FB e Abreu
SAVCBS 2003 Specification and Verification of Component-Based Systems, 75, 2003
An OCL-based formalization of the MOOSE metric suite
AL Baroni, F Brito e Abreu
ECOOP Workshop on Quantitative Approaches in Object-Oriented Software …, 2003
Formalizing object-oriented design metrics upon the UML meta-model
AL Baroni, F Brito e Abreu
Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, Gramado-RS, Brazil, 130-145, 2002
The quest for software components quality
M Goulão, FB e Abreu
Proceedings 26th Annual International Computer Software and Applications …, 2002
Towards a Components Quality Model
M Goulão, F Brito e Abreu
28th Euromicro Conference, Work in Progress Session, Dortmund, Germany, 2002
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Articles 1–20